Belated Turkey day post

Nov 30, 2004 10:59

Ok, it seems like everyone is making turkey day posts, so here's mine, weekenders style, starting with the interesting stuff beforehand.

School. Nothing special. Except for the whole not passing ENC1102. But other than that, meh. Rob called me on my way home, and we made a plan to hang out after Hapkido. I went to Hapkido. Afterwards I showered and picked up Rob. We drove around aimlessly until we ended up at 7-11, our usual mecca. While buying our Double Gulps and marshmallows, we decided to just go to his house and watch CKY2K, since I've never seen it. It was funny. HELP ME HELP YOU!!!!! lol. I fell asleep during the last 15 minutes, and got woken up by Kiki running head first into my gut because she was chasing a fucking paper ball Rob threw. So, Rob played fetch with Kiki while I played the random object that the cat couldn't fucking go around, and had to go through. Dumb cat. So, eventually, I went home and slept.

Woke up (always a good start), and went to Rob's. We just chilled in his house and played Resident Evil: Nemesis. I eventually had to work, so I left and worked. After close I ran into Seth, and we made plans to hang out. We were supposed to hang out with a bunch of people, but they all crapped out so it was just me and Seth. We went to Walmart and bought Blade and Blade II. We stayed up until 5:30 in the morning watching them. He went home, and sleep ensued.

Turkey Day. I did absolutely nothing all day. Everyone cooked. I slacked. I started coloring a picture I drew of Morgen and myself, and I finished it too. Very badass. Then we had dinner, yada yada yada, more food, blah blah blah, and some more food. It was me, my sisters, my parents, Talora's boyfriend, Adam, from California, and Talora's friend Laura and her son. After dinner Talora and Adam left to take Laura and her son home. Then I get a call from D F Pro and Mdawg. They invited me to go see Bridget Jones 2. So, I went, and it was all fine and dandy. But being with the couple and watching a movie about couples and love and stuff made me miss Morgen. But I lived. Mdawg and D F Pro are good to me, being all nice like that, trying to cheer me up and keep me occupied. Went home, and sleep.

Work. Evil. Opening is like taking youre genitalia, stretching them up and over your ears, and getting beaten in the gut (with your nuts stretched over still) with a nine-iron. Yes, that is my view on getting up at 4:30 in the morning to work at 5:30 and serving caffiene to depraved addicts. Anyways, after that I showered (I think) and went to Rob's where we played Nemesis again. And he got really far. He laughed at the save point, because he can't die (he's a no good dirty cheater), and lo and behold, the power goes out. HA! He gave up and I had to go home to get ready for temple. After temple we ate, then D F Pro calls me. He wants to go see Spongebob, so we go, but the showing is too late, since we wanted to go surfing the next morning. SO we saw the Incredibles. Amazing movie. Afterwards, the theater was empty save for me, Dan, and Melanie. Dan and I threw the rest of the popcorn all over the theater floor, and then we left. Went home, and slept.

Woke up at 5:45 to get ready for surfing, because David was supposed to pick me up at 6. I get all ready, and the bastard finally callse me at 6:15, saying he's at Dan's house and he's not answering his phone. Goody. So, we try a couple dozen times, and he still doesn't pick up. So Dave comes with his little sister and gets me and then Seth. We go to the beach. We go surfing. The waves were really nice. I got the crap beaten out of me on the first wave, though. But it was still good. Seth lost his glasses in the ocean. After surfing we went for a nice continental breakfast at McDonalds. I was so hungry. I had a Bacon egg and cheese bagel, a cinnamin roll, two apple pies, and two sodas (one was a refill). Yummy. We dropped off Davids sister and went to Sam Ash, jamming to Dreamtheater on the way. Dave did his guitar thing, Seth did his drum thing, and I did my bass thing. Seth had to go so we left, and eventually I went home. I was tired, and I should have napped, but instead I called Rob. I went over to his house and we played Nemesis again. Here are some memorable events from that visit:

-Look! Nemesis......again... Jeez, he's like a fucking cartoon!
-Can I have your gun?
-Hey, you got his gun! Yay for Carlos! He doesn't have infinite ammo! Boo Carlos! He has ink ribbons! Yay for Carlos! He can do things Jill can't! Yay for Carlos!
-Rob loves Uptown, especially when he's in Downtown...
-Dammit! Why isn't he a zombie yet!!!!!!

Yeah. Good times. Then I had to go to work. Uneventful except for the guy who yelled at us, then Mirsky and Claire yelled at him back, then Ben showed him who the bitch was. Yeah.

Sunday (don't worry, almost done)
Opened (see the beginning of Friday's paragraph). Longest shift of my life. It seemed to never end. Anyways, after work I made some food and watched Fools Rush In with my mom, and then Morgen came over before I could shower, so she told my parents about her trip while I cleansed myself. My dad is too funny. So, we went to get some food at Wiseguys, went to her house, and ate. I forget what all we did. I think we almost went to the beach, we went to 7-11, and I don't know what else. It was such an amazing night. We finished it off by watching the last 20 minutes of Harry Potter while sitting bundled up with my sweatshirt and blankets. Then we went to my house where I showed her the picture, which she loves. But, she thinks it's creepy how well I remembered her shirt and drew it with such detail. >sigh< The week apart from her really let us put things into perspective, and the day seemed like we were comepletely new people to each other. I love her so much. And now we can't stand being apart.
After she left I went to sleep, because I didn't get much of it over the week. Thus ended my weekend.

So, if anyone actually read all of this, I have to give you mad props, because I usually skim over long posts like these (sorry Meaghan, Jaime and Tara. I don't ignore them, I just get the basic gist of them). So long. I need to do my French final project, which is what I should have been doing all this time. It's due in an hour. I can do it. It'll take 10, 15 minutes max. Anyways, thus ends a post.

BTW Happy belated birthday to Erik, my quasi-Canadian up at FSU. Sorry I missed it, but you should have been in Springs.... ::hint hint:: Yeah. Dear god, you're 20 now.
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