Fic: Saiyuki (Gyokumen/Hwan) "Tangled Web"

Sep 04, 2009 00:30

Ah, I wish my scanner wasn't dead. Clearly, I need to create a Hwan icon. :(

Title: Tangled Web
Author: freeradical9
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Gyokumen/Hwan
Warnings: For everything listed in the prompt below. PWP.

A/N: I've seen variations of this prompt in three different forums, and each time it calls to me--requests for Saiyuki yuri are so few and far between. (Maybe more girls will crop up in the soon-to-be-published series, providing new fodder for femmeslash-one can hope). ^_^ Written for istumen's Saiyuki Kink Meme IV for the prompt: Gyokumen/Hwan yuri: shibari, strap-on action and "knifeplay" with youkai claws in place of knives.... The OP mentioned that it would be fine to add Nii as well, but he would have ruined the dynamic that the prompt inspired, so he's off playing chess somewhere for the duration of the fic. With sincere thanks to avierra for pre-screening for typos.


There were three loose coils of rope laid out on the dark silk sheets in Lady Koushu's bedchamber. They were the very first thing Hwan laid eyes on as she entered; and her analytical mind immediately noted that the coils were woven of fine Japanese hemp, dyed a striking blood red. Without hesitation, Hwan swung the heavy door to the room closed behind her, sliding the latch into place with an awkwardly-loud sounding snick.

The only person immediately visible was a male youkai of late middle-age who had unusually neatly trimmed claws. He bowed to Professor Hwan as she took three paces into the room, her black stiletto heels clicking loudly on the tile. She only gave him the briefest glance, her eyes traveling instead to the alcove behind him. The outline of a low divan could be seen in the shadows, and on it, a darker shadow that was large enough to be a person.

Hwan knew what was expected of her, and waited for no sign from the male youkai or from the shadows. She walked slowly over to the bed. The stiletto heels supported her naturally shapely legs and emphasized the enticing swaying of her hips. The black silk sheath dress she wore caressed her skin with every movement, the slits in the sides showing flashes of smooth white thighs. A white fur wrap, an expensive gift, cloaked her shoulders, and hid for a moment the startlingly low neckline of the dress.

There was a gap on the bed between two of the hemp coils. Hwan settled herself into that space, drawing herself up onto her knees on the silk sheets. As soon as she had arranged herself, the male youkai crossed the wide expanse of tile floor. With completely impersonal hands, he slid her fur wrap open, folding it back to just expose the crest of her shoulders, barely even glancing at the expanse of skin that was revealed. He picked up one of the coils of rope, then, expertly finding the two ends and doubling the whole coil into two. He looped the bend over Hwan's right wrist, drawing it flat behind her back.

Hwan simply knelt as he worked, striving to remain cool and composed as a statue. She did not care for the touch of men, tried not to let her distaste show, although it was hard not to flinch as his flesh brushed hers. Not for the first time, she found herself wishing that Houtou Castle employed a shibari master who was a woman.

This youkai had skill, at least, and was nothing if not efficient in his movements. He looped the soft and supple cords around Hwan's upper arms, over her chest, and around her neck. Where two sections of rope intersected, he secured them with deft wrapping, weaving simple rope into a complicated halter that completely immobilized her arms and lay like a delicate spider's web binding her chest and emphasizing the ample swell of her silk-clad breasts.

As the youkai stepped back to claim the second coil of rope, Hwan tested her bonds. The rope was supple, but the wrapping around her wrists and arms did not slip or give at all. She felt the first stirrings of helplessness, of a giddy loss of power over a life that was otherwise so completely under her control down to the very last little detail. Her breathing quickened ever so slightly, and her nipples came erect against the black silk.

She felt the burn of unseen eyes watching from the shadows of the purposefully-darkened alcove, and a flush of heat spread across her pale cheeks.

Now the male youkai lifted the hem of the black dress she was wearing, temporarily tucking anchoring folds of it into the bottom coil of the chest harness. Black silk underwear, a match for the dress, clothed her underneath. The youkai made no move to remove it, but did tug the spare back upwards until the silk was taut between her ass cheeks, leaving the soft rounds of flesh completely revealed. This was where he started with the second rope, tucking the cord deep into the crevasse within flesh and drawing it forward between her thighs.

If the chest halter brought on the first flush of arousal, the wrappings of the bottom harness were exquisite foreplay. The spider's web motif continued, connected to the upper harness and spreading downward across Hwan's thighs. The ropes were tight enough that Hwan could feel them against the soft flesh of her inner leg, across her abdomen, and over her ass. The cord that nestled between the cheeks made her catch her breath when she shifted, and it was all she could do not to strain against the skillfully-tied knot that rested neatly over the fleshy mound protecting the hood of her clitoris.

The third rope was less sensual, but no less important in the binding. This rope looped over her ankles and wound around her calves, turning upwards several times to lace securely into the other halters. This rope immobilized her legs, and prevented her from closing her thighs. Hwan swallowed hard against a suddenly dryness in her mouth, even as she felt the silk and ropes between her legs grow suddenly moist.

The shibari master drew the complicated binding to a close, tucking the last few centimeters of rope into place between tightly secured hands. He turned, and with perfect etiquette, bowed to the shadowy form lounging in the alcove. A pale hand emerged from the darkness there, the flawlessly manicured talons glinting blood red in the light as the man was dismissed with a careless wave.

The heavy door closed with a booming sound, startlingly loud in the mostly-silent room. Hwan could hear her breathing grow shallower and faster, even as the gesturing hand withdrew into the shadows again. A dark shape within the alcove built in height and in form, and a female youkai stepped regally into the light.

"Lady Koushu," Hwan whispered, casting her gaze downward, unable to bring herself to speak in a louder voice.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Gyokumen moved forward slowly, languidly. Her feet were bare, flawlessly painted toenails glinting as she padded soundlessly across the room. A muted glow from the shaded lamps along the wall danced like heat-lightning over the black satin of her outer kimono, shifting as she moved. Even with her head bent, Hwan could see the painted line of Gyokumen's lips curve upwards in an anticipatory smile.

"Mmm. Yes. It suits you," she murmured, coming to a halt only when she stood directly before Hwan. "My brilliant, pretty servant. Caught up in my web." Hwan felt the prickle of youkai claws beneath her jaw, and tipped up her head before they could break the skin. The hunger she saw in Gyoukumen's eyes made her stop breathing for several heartbeats. "You were surprisingly eager to be caught."

"Yes, Lady." Hwan managed. Gyokumen slid a half-step forward. Hwan felt the cool silk of her kimono brush against the inside of her knee, the drape of the sleeve slinking down between between her bound breasts. The hand shifted upwards and to the right, smoothing back the dark waves of hair that framed her face, tucking the wild strands back and freeing the elegant line of one of Hwan's pointed youkai ears.

"Sometimes I almost forget," Gyokumen mused, "that you're one of us. Perhaps you should think about doing something different with your hair."

"If my Lady wishes it," Hwan said, her voice quavering only a little at the other woman's nearness.

"You'd consider it, for me? How sweet." Gyokumen leaned forward, and her lips caressed the lower edge of Hwan's bared ear, tracing downwards to the thickening of tissue where an earlobe would have been on a human being. "On second thought, don't change it. I like thinking of you as a tasty morsel to eat."

Teeth sank into the sensitive flesh, and even though Hwan had been expecting it, she still gave a little yelp. She felt Gyokumen smile against her cheek.

"Now, there's really more of you that I'd like to see."

The shibari master had already opened Hwan's wrap. Now Gyokumen pushed it back as far as the hemp ropes would allow, completely baring her shoulder blades and upper arms. Her hungry gaze roved over the flesh that was revealed, and lingered on the parts still clad in silk.

Hwan sensed more than felt the first light passes of Gyokumen's claws, which traced just under the rope loop around her neck, then downwards to scratch along her collarbones. Hwan caught her breath as deeper lines were drawn across her naked shoulders, while over her sternum, the tip of one claw drew a calculated first blood. Hwan shivered as Gyokumen purposefully licked the red rimming that one nail, painting a smear of red on her own tongue.

Now, the Lady of Houtou castle's gaze grew more purposeful, and her hand dropped to where Hwan's erect nipples strained against the thin fabric of her dress. Gyokumen traced a talon idly up one mound of flesh and down the other side, leaving behind a rent in the cloth, and a livid red line on the skin beneath. The claw lifted to skim lightly over a twist of rope lying snug against the chest, and slit the dress open on the other side, freeing Hwan's breasts from the constraints of the dress.

The air stung against the deep scratches marked in fair skin. Gyokumen turned away for a moment, to claim an item from the drawer of a low table near the foot of the bed, and then turned back again. Hwan bit down on her own lip, teeth nearly drawing blood when she saw what was cradled in those delicate, long-clawed hands.

It was a phallus. Long, shockingly wide, and crimson in color, like the ropes. Hwan knew exactly what Lady Koushu intended to do with it, and she felt a faint whimper rise in the back of her throat.

The sound made Gyokumen's breath hitch. "Yeesss," she hissed. She lifted it, pressing it to Hwan's mouth. "You know what I want, my clever, helpless servant. Show me how you'll open for it. Open like a good girl."

The phallus pressed against Hwan's pursed lips. Closing her eyes tightly, she parted her lips, allowing the firm latex to slide into her mouth. Gyokumen didn't wait for her to adjust, but pushed the wide thing deeper, forcing it past her tongue and into the back of her throat. Hwan started to gag, hands flexing helplessly against her tight restraints--but the pressure eased back almost immediately. The ridged head rolled against the roof of her mouth as the fake member was thrust in several times. When it was slowly removed and Hwan's eyelashes fluttered open again, the first thing she saw was the phallus, glistening wetly with her own saliva. The second thing she saw was her lady's eyes burning with lust.

Gyokumen was already wearing the leather strapping to support the phallus under the fabric of her kimono. Hwan could only watch as she parted the folds with one hand and used the other to screw the wide member into place. Another whimper rose in her throat as she saw the fake cock jutting up so proudly from between Gyokumen's flawless white thighs. The lady rose up, for the first time placing a knee on the bed. A hand grasped Hwan's shoulder, and she pushed. Bound and off balance, Hwan tumbled back onto the sheets.

The shape of her body became even more erotic in this position. Her back, propped up by bound arms, settled into an arch, causing naked breasts and taut nipples to jut out proudly between the cords of the chest harness. The stiletto heels now rested flat on the bed, but the rope binding splayed her thighs open, providing a clear invitation to invade the deepest recesses of her helpless body.

Moving with the grace of a hunting cat, Gyokumen settled herself between Hwan's spread thighs, absently sliding the silk of her own kimono from her shoulders so that she was completely naked. The strap-on phallus was a breath away, a thin layer of underwear fabric all that remained as protection. Hwan felt herself start to pant as Gyokumen reached between two parallel sections of rope laid over her cunt. The very tip of a wickedly-sharp talon pierced the silk and tore a slit in the crotch of the black underwear, prickling uncomfortably against the sensitive flesh underneath.

"Oh," Hwan gasped, feeling the anticipation build deep inside of her, until the pressure of it was almost unbearable. "Oh, My Lady. Oh please." She arched up, trying desperately to rub against the rope knotted at the clit. But the rope moved with her, and she moaned in frustration, feeling herself so close to the edge of sexual release.

"Mmm. Yes. Soon, my clever pet. Very soon." Hard plastic nuzzled up against her cunt as Gyokumen lined it up. The youkai mark scrawled over the curve of the Lady's abdomen rippled, poised like some gothic bird of prey. Then Gyokumen leaned forward, and Hwan felt pert breasts brush against her own, as the Lady of Houtou castle pushed in.

"Ah..." there was a moment of pleasure, a moment of discomfort, and then sharp and overwhelming pain. In spite of herself, Hwan cried out. The phallus was too wide, she couldn't take it. And yet, the ropes bound her open, kept her in place as she writhed--and Gyokumen didn't stop. Instead she began to move in short, sharp thrusts, each one wringing a strangled cry from Hwan's throat.

Then suddenly the head was in, and Hwan let out a sobbing breath in relief. The fake cock sank in deeper, and Hwan couldn't help but feel it as her pulse throbbed around its invading length. Gyokumen's gaze was downcast, her eyes avidly watching as bit by bit the phallus was swallowed up by Hwan's body. Hwan caught a glimpse of it, red and slick and pushing inside of her, and whimpered and averted her eyes.

The toy was designed to pleasure two at once, Hwan could tell from the way Gyokumen ground downwards with her hips, pressing the plastic base into her own clit. The Lady began to move, easing back and then sliding forward again, rubbing herself against the device even as she slid it deeper into Hwan's vulnerable body.

It was blatantly erotic, seeing Gyokumen's graceful movements, to hear her gasping in pleasure, to see her eyes burning as she gazed down at her bound victim in lust. Hwan was the one who had done this to Lady Koushu, she thought with satisfaction, feeling her passage tighten around the probing phallus, tingling with the foretaste of orgasm. She was the one who had offered this, to bring her Lady to such a state. Let that horrible man Nii Jianyi spend his time with Lady Koushu as he wished. Hwan knew with utter certainty that wasn't in him to take this role to satisfy Gyokumen's tastes.

The tingling pleasure spread upward towards the small of her back, and downward along the inside of her thighs. She moaned, tipping her head back, moving her hips as she could to complement Gyokumen's movements, and allowing her legs to gape open now as much as the binding would allow. Lady Koushu hissed in pleasure, quickening the pace, her body was draped over Hwan's now, and electric tingling rising everywhere skin touched skin.

...And then Hwan was coming, her body bending into a perfect arch against Gyokumen as she drew breath in one long, slow inhale. Muscles spasmed as the shock of climax swept over her, and she cried out as a tiny spatter of warm wetness from her cunt splashed onto Lady Koushu's already moist loins.

Gyokumen growled deep in her chest, and then her body reared upwards, driving the phallus deep as her own climax took her. Her hands clenched to score Hwan's shoulders with bloody scratches, but Hwan barely felt the pain of it. Instead she devoted the whole of her attention to watching Gyokumen through pleasure-slitted eyes. The Lady of Houtou was beautiful and wild and utterly majestic, everything that anyone could ever desire. …And for this one perfect moment, it was possible to imagine that she belonged entirely to Hwan.

They lay on the bed together afterwards, each panting to regain lost breath. Their bodies did not touch at all, but Hwan could still feel the heat of her Lady's skin as she lay in post-coital bliss. The shibari wrappings were really quite exquisite, and she hoped that she would not now be dismissed.

Youkai stamina being what it was, it didn't take long to recover from the physical exertion of the act. "Mmm. That was lovely." Gyokumen pushed herself upright on one elbow, gazing down at Hwan's rope-bound form, and Hwan caught her breath at the glimmer of still-unsated hunger in those slit pupil eyes.

"Now, my clever pet," she purred. "shall I make you come again?"

Later that evening, Hwan crept through the darkened halls of Houtou back to her own chambers, the white fur wrap tucked snugly over her ruined dress. She didn't have to worry. There was absolutely no one out and about at this hour, and she encountered no other living soul in the halls.

On this night and on several of the nights following, as soon as she had closed and carefully locked the door of her quarters behind her, she immediately stripped out of her clothing, leaving it in a discarded pile on the bedroom floor. Then she crossed to one of the walls where a full-length mirror hung, and stood in front of it for a long, long time. Alone save for her own reflection, she reveled in the memory of her Lady's dangerous touch, and admired her lingering memento of the evening's events--the web of bruised lines that the kiss of ropes had left across her skin.


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