This cracks me up every time I read it., over the past few days I have gotten several people to agree that SOME Cure songs are at least somewhat cheerful!
*rigging the BAC ballotting for Ludwig Van*
and gretchen gave me the option of talking/chatting instead of writing my final play rep., bc i currently cant really write.
today was a wierd day on which i did some wierd things. (i guess every day is, sort of).
it's also Anniversary Day!
Have I mentioned yet that AFI is an awesome band? They've lasted in my collection for 3+ years, have an awesome vocalist, great guitarists, and are twice as good as any other punk/punk rock band out there.
Picked up a Smiths CD yesterday. They're more of a teen angst band, but they're good at it, and I had to get at least one cd, 'cause they're sorta a new wave classic.