(no subject)

Oct 30, 2008 09:24

Now I haven't been on the pill for a couple of years. But I still have a box of leftovers for emergencies. Take a handful just before you bleed and it will postpone it for a week. Perfect for any upcoming big events.

Thats exactly what I did for LD, but then Rubberball was the next week so I did it again.

Of course playing with your hormones is not always a good idea, and I've been a bit of a nut job for the the last few weeks. Huon has threatened to take my left overs away so I can't play with my hormones ever again. I think I might just be a little more prudent next time I try it.

Anyhoo, now that things seem to have settled somewhat, and I'm back to feeling good about myself, I thought I might do something I've wanted to do for a while this weekend.

I'm hoping to get in a swim on saturday morning, weather permitting. When I get back, feeling all fit and feisty, I'm going to go through my wardrobe and try everything thing on. This may be a bit ambitious. I have A LOT of clothes. But since I've lost a bit of weight recently I have lots of things that are too big, and lots of things that will fit that didn't etc etc.

I need five piles of clothing.

1) Stuff that fits good.

2) Stuff that is too small.

3) Stuff that is too big.

4) Stuff that is too big but can be tailored.

5) Stuff that I will never wear no matter how it fits.

I intend on being pretty damn vicious. I'll sell what I can on ebay, give away other stuff, and chuck the rest.

I want to go nuts and buy new stuff, but since I intend on losing more weight then I have to control that impulse. I'll just content myself with finding hidden and forgotten treasures in the back of my wardrobe.

Oh and by making a list of things that I don't have that I DO need to buy.

And hopefully that will give me an outfit to wear to the three different events I'll be attending that afternoon/evening.

Anyway, thats the plan.

hormones, plans, clothes

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