(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 08:59


I hurt all over.

Friday was a reasonably quiet night of drinking and talking crap with the toy at home.

Saturday started early at the Belgium bier cafe, then another pub. Was well toasted before we even got to the V festival. A big afternoon and evening of running around, drinking and bad behaviour. I even saw some bands! By the time the lovely Kate arrived I was more than a little trashy. Kate's status as awesome was once more confirmed when she drove us back to Newtown, thereby missing the nightmare of post festival public transport. My girlie feet, which where completely shot by this point, where so very very grateful.

After a stop for Indian for them and then we fell into the Slox for a beer or two. Found a Rin and a Chris and even a Jo. Aaron and I dragged Rin and Chris to the Townie with us. All roads lead to the Townie afterall. We found a Lou and frightened her cousin a little it seems. Aaron and I were being a little disgraceful. Entirely out of character for us I know. Frank appeared. Frank is a bad man. Remind me to spank him next time I see him. Ran into Blair who I hadn't seen in ages and then some, caught up with him while Aaron flitted about and flirted with ever woman in the pub. Twas lots of fun to watch.

Then the lights came up and it was time to go home, after a stop at the crispy inn, of course.

I was woken way too early by a way too chirpy Huon. I was literally dragged from my safe warm bed by my ankle. Tried to hide behind Aaron in the spare room, but he found me there too, and Aaron wouldn't save me. Bad Aaron. So we were both 'encouraged' to get up and out of the house before 11am. Threw Aaron off the bus near Newtown and we continued on to the footy. There was a Brian and a Kitty and even a Roisin there waiting for us. Although I was sure I would never feel good ever again, the beer worked it's lovely magic and I was recovered, and merry, in no time. Roisin was very good company at her first ever Swans game, even with all the yelling and screaming that accompanied the Swans romping home.

I was determined to play some pool at the Townie, since my weekend had been lacking in pool. But by the time we got there I was getting a little sleepy, and decided I wanted to go home. I cooked dinner, and even ate most of it. My first proper meal in....oooh quite a few days. After food I fell asleep on the couch for a few hours. Woke up to Rove on the tv *shudder* Showered and went to bed, where I proceeded to not sleep til sometime after 2am. Even then sleep was fitful and broken. I feel like I've hardly slept at all. This not sleeping thing is getting a bit old. I really need a full nights sleep.

I hurt all over today. My neck is bruised and sore, my calf muscles hate me and my right arm is aching. No smoking means no yucky chest, but my throat is sore from screaming. I really should be in bed.

Anyone would think I had a really great weekend. Stay tuned for pictures!

v festival, swans, weekend update

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