(no subject)

Mar 27, 2008 12:25

Round and round and round it goes. Where it stops....Well I got no fucking idea and I've given up trying to guess.

Forgotten how to sleep again. I function fine on little sleep, but I am a slightly more tetchy than my usual cheery self. Last night as I laid there staring at the ceiling, listening to Huon snore away at volume I got so miffed I punched him in the ribs. Not particularly hard, but it doesn't need to be hard to get a result when someone is sound asleep. Hmph! How dare he advertise how well he is sleeping when I can't?!

So, yeah. I really am a joy to be around sometimes.

Messenger seems to be awfully bug ridden lately. Two people on my contact list are accidently spamming me with crap asking me to download files, or click on links. Being on a Mac I am fairly indifferent and mostly virus proof, but be warned people. Trust no one. Or something.

Meh. I think I might just go sit in the corner and scowl at people.

Today is thursday. I am allowed to have beer today. That should fix everything up.


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