(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 11:05

It was a long long time ago that I saw a pic of a split tongue. The idea always fascinated me. I'm a little obsessed with my tongue, with my mouth in general. Anything in my hands for more than a minute will end up in my mouth. I have a giant tub of toothpicks next to my monitor, I'm usually spinning and twisting one around in my mouth with my tongue, chomping and chewing til it gets all pulpy.

Anytime I have ever brought up the idea of getting my tongue split to anyone it's always been met with horror and revulsion. No one thinks it's a good idea except me.

Until this weekend, when I found out someone else I know wants to get it done too.

Now I can't get the idea out of my head.

Yes it will hurt like a fucking bitch, yes it will be messy and gross for a while. But just think the fun you could have after it healed. All the cool tricks I could learn.


Convincing Huon is going to be a tricky one.

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