(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 08:25

Last night Huey and I grabbed a picnic blanket, some dinner and a log full of beer and wandered down to the park. We picked a nice dark spot with a great view of the moon and settled in to watch the show. We snuggled and talked about random stuff and talked to the moon.

The moon is special to both Huon and I. A long time ago Huon was sitting on a gravestone (i know, how goth) and crying over a broken heart. His best friend had just run off with his girlfriend. He looked up to the moon and asked her for his dream girl. A big strong smart and loyal girl. A few weeks later he met me.

Way back when Huon and I were first seeing each other, and I realised that I loved him, I had a long conversation with the moon about him. I'd talked to the moon about things that were important to me since I was a little girl. I asked her if I could have him as mine. So far so good *grin*

Our engagement rings have moonstones in them.

It was lovely to spend some time with the moon last night, especially since I'm in the midst of getting my beloved moon tattooed on my arm.

Thank you universe for giving us a lovely night.


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