(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 10:53

After another night of sleep paralysis nastiness I decided to have a mental health day. A couple of hours of fighting to stop dropping into it, and then freaking out about someone standing at the door just waiting for me to fall asleep, all the while listening to Huon happily snore away, really takes it out of you. It was all I could do not to punch him in the face. How dare you sleep while I'm too scared too!

After swearing off sleeping ever again I somehow managed to get the process in the right order and fell properly asleep, only to dream of having zombies trying to get into my house, and the door locks not working properly. And windows being opened, but I couldn't go and shut them because I was the only thing holding the front door closed and there was a zombie trying to get in and oh god I hope they don't find the open window. And stuff.

So yeah, work can go get stuffed, I'm a frazzled wreck, and my back is killing me after all the tensing and tossing and turning.

Today I am going to tidy and clean, because the house is a fecking mess.

I may have an afternoon nap, to set me back to even.

Here pain killers, come to mummy.


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