(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 14:47

So whats been been happening in the life of Freeq lately?

The swans game at Telstra. I hate Telstra stadium. I really hate Tooheys New. I really REALLY hate West Coast.

Sunday was my parents 40th wedding anniversary. We sat around, talked waffle, drank beer and ate barbequed meat. I love my parents. Also Da helped Huey fine tune the car so she is running like a dream right now. My Da rawks.

Monday, work. Afterwards we watched the 2nd half of Laurance of Arabia. Huey had never seen it and was surprised how good it was. Don't ask me. Sometimes I think he lived under a rock before we met.

Today is a tuesday. Not a bad tuesday. Just an average tuesday.

I wish the long weekend would hurry up and happen.

Oh yeah, is there something on friday I should be attending? I'm sure there was, but I can't remember what.


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