moving details per your request: check out the website. you can see the floor plan and all the other fun stuff about the apartment. i'm getting a one bedroom. i'm also getting the upgraded one, so the kitchen has wood cabinets instead of white and they have two accent walls in the living room painted green. i'm pretty much in love with the location. i'm on the other side of the creek from the library in downtown rochester. so if anyone wants to get wasted in rochester, we can just walk back to my apartment to sober up.
so far i'm doing okay with the furniture aspect of moving. i have almost everything i need and the stuff that i still need should be inexpensive. eventually i'll want to upgrade since its just stuff i'm taking from my house right now, but it works and i'm broke, so its cool. i've started packing, but its so intimating trying to figure out what to pack right now because its so early. i dont move until february 1st. lisa sent me my first housewarming present and i love it. the girl has good taste. amy is taking me housewarming gift shopping tomorrow, so that should be fun.
another exciting thing is that i think my dad is buying me a big bed! yay, a big girl bed! i'm so excited. so are people who plan to be sleeping over at my house too.
ok, i need to get dressed. my boyfriend wants to take me out to dinner.
i also want to stop someplace and get those cute little change of address cards to send to everyone. however, because of my financial situation, you all might just be getting regular cute little note cards instead.