Merlin fic dump. Ratings: G - R. All characters, no pairings.

Dec 28, 2008 01:55

Author's Notes: Clearing out my fic files, so doing a fic dump XD. These are all based on prompts that tater_mae set me to alleviate boredom on slow days. She's read 'em through, but they've not had a real beta read, so mistakes are all mine :] Enjoy!
And also, comments feed my bunnies. Nom nom nom.

Title: Joy
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, angsty-fluff fic (it's possible, I swear.)
Characters/Pairing: Uther, Arthur
Warning: Pre-series, allusions to information revealed in Excalibur.
Summary: It's been seven and a half months since Igraine's death, seven and a half months since Arthur was born and the King has yet to hold his son.

Uther had known little pleasure since Igraine passed. Each day, merely ensuring that Arthur was well became more and more a chore; his nursemaids watching the King with wary eyes and tight lips as he would enter the nursery. He would dismiss them and did not miss any of the numerous fearful glances they cast over their shoulders as they left the room.

It was a nondescript day in Camelot. When Arthur opened his tiny eyes, Uther saw Igraine's beatific blues stare up at him. He imagined her patient tones, coaching him through his grief, telling him to hold his son: to hold Arthur for the first time since his birth, seven and a half months ago.

Arthur waved a tiny fist at Uther, his pudgy brow furrowing as he squinted up at the King. "No fear, little Prince," Uther murmured as Arthur's eyes watched him with a severe concentration, as though he had no inkling what to make of this haunted man above him. Uther reached a hand in, offering his finger to Arthur's fist. The boy immediately grabbed the proffered appendage with surprising strength, tugging it close to his face for investigation. Arthur's frown deepened as his other hand rose to prod at Uther's finger: a rather large and cumbersome ring encircled the base and Arthur clearly did not know what to make of it either.

A strange sensation began in Uther's stomach: it was a bubbling of sorts, that seemed to lift the rest of his innards in a most peculiar way. The feeling was familiar, heralded from a time before grief, rage and darkness ruled his days. The bubbles forced their way to his lungs and burst from his lips in a broken chuckle.

Uther dropped to his knees beside Arthur's cradle, the laughter leaving his throat intermingled with strangled sobs. Arthur released Uther's finger, small head turning, eyes now wide. Uther brushed a hand over Arthur's brow and Arthur smiled: toothless and overjoyed at the affectionate touch. Uther's chuckles began anew.

This time they were joined by gleeful screeches as Prince learned to laugh for the first time and King learned how to laugh again.

Title: Flowers
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, angst-ish ficlet
Characters/Pairing: Gwen, Morgana
Warning: Spoilers for episodes The Mark of Nimueh and Le Morte d'Arthur, set post Morte.
Summary: Gwen wants Morgana to smile again.

Gwen remembered the smile on Morgana's face at the sight of the bouquet in her hands: carefree and affectionate. It was months ago now, just before the magical curse arrived at the kingdom and Gwen was nearly burned as a witch. Winter had come and gone since then, and Gwen had spied dusty pinks and yellows beginning to show as green sprouted amongst the acres of dead browns.

She tied her cloak beneath her throat as she made her way out of the castle boundaries in the predawn light. Morgana had been tense and haunted for weeks now and if Gwen was sure of one thing, it was that Morgana's emotional state could not stay as such for much longer.

Gwen was rewarded for her efforts as Morgana greeted her later that morning: a small and warily hopeful grin lifting the shadows from her face, if only for a few moments.

The vase was not empty for the remainder of the year.

Title: Flour
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, humour ficlet
Characters/Pairing: Gaius, Merlin
Warning: So long as you watch Merlin, you'll be good.
Summary: Merlin is capable of making a shocking amount of mess when he sets his mind to it.

The flour was absolutely everywhere and Gaius just could not believe the mess that the one boy could make.

"Merlin!" he shouted, entering the chambers. He could not make out much more than shadows through the white haze as the flour still settled.

"What on--

"Nothing to worry about, Gaius!" Merlin's voice sounded somewhere to his right and Gaius turned squinting eyes to the direction of it. "I'll have it cleaned up -" Merlin appeared suddenly before Gaius, making Gaius start in surprise. "In no time. I promise," and with those sincere words ringing through the descending powder, Merlin disappeared into the fog once more.

Gaius made a halfhearted threat in Merlin's general direction, promising to return in an hour, but he left with a smile.

Title: First Dream
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: R - violence, ficlet
Characters/Pairing: Morgana, Mordred, Gorlois mentioned, OFC
Warning: Future!fic, somewhat based on events in The Beginning of the End
Summary: Morgana recounts her first vision to Mordred next by the fire late one night.

The first dream that ever electrified Morgana from her slumber showed her in intimate proximity the death of her father. Morgana's skin blazed as the blade entered her father's chest, ripping jaggedly through his flesh, spilling his crimson blood over man and land alike.

Her agonized screeches brought her terrified nursemaid to her side, muttering inconsequential words of solace that Morgana would not bow her conviction to. It all begins with his passing, she screamed at the idiot woman who could not accept her assertions. Finally, her nursemaid ran from the room, shouting for a servant to fetch the local physician, who forced a sleeping draught down Morgana's raw throat.

Many years later, when recounting her visions to Mordred one late night by the fireside, Morgana realized how close she had come to ruin mere days after that first vision. Had the Camelot knight who arrived at her doorstep bearing the news of Gorlois' passing not also born the King's invitation for Morgana to join the Pendragon household, she is certain her nursemaid would have her killed as a witch.

Title: Pounce
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: PG, fluffy humour ficlet
Characters/Pairing: Merlin, Gwen, mentions of Arthur
Warning: So long as you watch Merlin, you'll be good.
Summary: Merlin recounts a successful hunt to Gwen.

"And then, I swear on Camelot, Guinevere, the beast just pounced - like this! - and Arthur, he took his sword - like that - and he just swung down with it." Merlin leaned back into his chair with a satisfied look on his face. "The beast fell without a sound." He looked up at her finally and his smile faltered. "What's funny?"

Gwen shook her head, affectionate smile still firmly in place. "He's growing on you. And you're becoming proud of our crown prince."

Merlin lifted his chin in defiance, eyes wary. "No. It was just an impressive bit of fighting."

"Right," she responded indulgently, grin widening. Gwen got to her feet and smoothed out her dress. "I ought to go to Morgana's, she should be finished eating with Uther by now."

Merlin stood as well, accompanying her to the door. "Really, Gwen, I'm not proud of him. He's a prat, and have I told you the list of things he's having me do today? First, tidying his chambers, and then--

Gwen raised a hand to stop his tirade. "Merlin, I've heard your lists day after day, I think it unlikely much has changed." She turned to face him as she fastened her cloak at her throat, eyeing him with her head tilted to one side.

"What?" he asked warily.

"It's definitely pride in your eyes," she said and laughed as he opened his mouth to give an indignant retort. "See you, Merlin!" she called, dashing out the door. "Thanks for breakfast!"

Title: Feather
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, humour, fluff ficlet
Characters/Pairing: Merlin, Gwen
Warning: Episode 3 The Poisoned Chalice, deleted scene I guess?
Summary: Gwen's amusement at Merlin's feathered cap.

Gwen couldn't stop glancing at him. Of all the things the Prince had done to Merlin in the short time he'd served Arthur, this had to be the worst.

"Stop looking at it," Merlin hissed.

"I'm sorry," Gwen whispered back. At Merlin's raised eyebrow she gave him a sincere look. "Really, I am." She folded her hands in front of her and looked determinedly straight ahead. "It's just... Well, Arthur really must have looked to find something like that to put you in."

Merlin's hand raised unconsciously to brush some of the feathers aside from where they'd fallen against his cheek and Gwen raised a hand to her mouth to stifle another giggle. "Gwen," Merlin said, a surprising amount of threat in his voice.

She raised her brows innocently at him before standing suddenly. "Perhaps I should tend to Morgana."

Gwen puffed out another chuckle at Merlin's grunted response before going to Morgana's side.

Title: Shock
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, pre-series
Characters/Pairing: Merlin
Warning: Passing mention of a character in The Moment of Truth, other than that if you watch Merlin and know he has a mother, you'll be good.
Summary: The first time Merlin realizes he has magic.

The shock ran from the tips of his fingers through his entire body, electrifying the hair on his head to stand on end. His mum had told him to be careful, but he didn't think... He wasn't sure... This was why?

He hadn't done it on purpose, he swears. But the salt was all the way at the other end of the table, and then he just thought about how life would be easier if it was beside him and then the shaker slid its way across the bumpy wooden surface of the table towards him.

Merlin stared at it wide-eyed. He reached for it warily, almost fearing that it would suddenly attack him or worse. Will'd told him that magic was evil, things that were bewitched would only cause pain and suffering. The King of Camelot had decreed it and so Ealdor's Lord followed suit. But really, if Merlin had caused it, then it wouldn't attack Merlin. Right? Would it?

His fingers closed around it slowly and he froze, eyes scrunched up tight, waiting for the inevitable evil to happen. He stayed that way for a solid 15 seconds (which was forever) before peeping one eye open and delicately lifting the salt to shake some onto his lunch.

Bringing the spoon to his lips, he decided that if by help of magic he could make the bland food taste that much more delicious, magic really couldn't be all that bad.

Manditory shameless plug: don't forget to leave prompts here for the Gwen Battle Winter 2009!

merlin: gwen, length: drabble, merlin: arthur, merlin, merlin: merlin, type: preseries, type: future!fic, type: gen, merlin: uther, length: ficlet, merlin: gaius, merlin: morgana

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