Fic: Chocolate Smithy, Arthur/Gwen, G - AU

Jul 27, 2009 07:38

Title: Chocolate Smithy
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, set in a cracky AU
Characters/Pairing: Gwen/Arthur pre-ship, Tom, mentions of Morgana
Spoilers/Warning: Lots of crack. Seriously.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, never will. I try not to let it get me down.
Summary: Gwen works with her father, Tom, at Chocolate Smithy, the best shop in London for chocolate. Morgana le Fay is a frequent visitor, and recommends the shop to Arthur Pendragon, her colleague and childhood friend. While Tom adores his patronage, Gwen is not overly fond of Arthur - at least, not at first.

Author's Note: I was walking to work, and the prompt from the first camelot_love challenge "if you can't have him, have chocolate" floated entirely randomly through my mind. This is really only very loosely based on that prompt, and of course, it is several months late, so I'm submitting this one-off of total crackery to the latest challenge, "anything goes". Comments are ♥ & concrit appreciated.

Of course she knew who Arthur Pendragon was.

merlin: gwen, length: oneshot, merlin: arthur, type: au, type: challenge response, merlin, merlin: tom, type: het, length: ficlet

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