Progression Series- A Curiousity 1/5

Apr 22, 2007 23:46

Title: Progression: A Curiousity 1/5
Genre: Gen, Het if you squint
Rating: G
Words: 1, 037
Characters: Teyla Emmagen, John Sheppard; Elizabeth's there for a mo, mention of Sumner
Pairing: I guess it's Sheyla if you squint
Spoilers/Warnings: The Rising pts 1&2
Summary: Teyla's view point on the forming of her relationship with Sheppard and the other Atlanteans.

Notes: Betaed by
rocksalted , who is my crack fandom dealer, and my SGA expert
            This is going to be part 1 of a 5 part series, which is part one of a larger four part series. Progression: A Curiousity, Progression: A  Friendship, Progression: A Discovery, and lastly Progression: A Relationship.
            Definately will be Teyla/John eventually, aka- no squinting necessary.

Comments & constructive criticism are Puddlejumper love.  This is my first soiree into the fanfic writing world of SGA, play nice.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I can only look at and write about the captivating SGA team and have no hope of ever owning any smidgen of them. *woe*

She did not really appreciate what the reaction was at first.  Each time she would see John her heart would stutter in the tiniest way.  It had been a long time since she had had the luxury to notice a man in any capacity other than mentor, brother, friend, countrymen.

Major John Sheppard, as he had been at the time, had began as a curiousity.  His confident, subtle charm and speech about things she had never encountered had somehow slipped beneath her careful defences.  He intrigued her, and seemed to give her an unassuming respect, as though sensing her importance among her people; even the importance of her people, though they were clearly far behind- technologically- his own.  His commander had not been so understanding.  Treating her as though without seeing her, he neglected to relent to her people's warnings.  This was unsettling.

Sheppard intrigued her though, and she yearned to understand the complex mind behind his easy smile.  Sympathizing with his and his people's lot, she invited him to the cave of her ancestor's, where the horrors they had faced, and that her people would face, with the Wraith's return were painted plainly on a wall.

She had smiled slightly at his assumption that they did not have fire. "We mastered fire long ago," she murmured.

"Guess so," he said.  She could hear his pleasant surprise in his flippant tone, and once again felt a thrill of curiousity.  Why was a man such as this here?  What could this galaxy possibly have to offer him? His world, without Wraith... why he- and his people- would venture out at all, she could not understand.

Before she could ponder this, or lead him closer to the paintings, his attention was caught by something else.  Inquisitive, and observant- nothing seemed to get past him.  "What's this?"

Teyla turned.  Her eyes widened and she drew in a delighted breath.  "I lost this years ago!" Her voice hitched with her gratitude.  One of the last artifacts left after her dear father's passing.  When she'd lost the pendant, she had felt guilt.  It had passed eventually, but seeing the pendant now, she was surprised at the amount of relief that flooded through her.  "How did you...?"

The Major had stood up and was holding it towards her.  When he extended his hands, grasping the necklace as though to fasten it around her neck, she'd hesitated momentarily.  Who was this man?

She found her chin raising involuntarily to provide the space he'd need to easily clasp the necklace around her neck once more.  His hands rested very briefly on her shoulders.

The innate trust and comfort she felt in this John Sheppard's presence unnerved her, and yet, she could not deflect the persistent sense of calm.

He turned away from her, noticing the images on the wall, and her focus was redirected again.  She would reflect on these strange feelings at a later time.  Now, he had to understand the Wraith threat.

Their interactions were cut painfully short.  The culling of her people was the single most exhaustive experience in her life, making her feel as though she too were drained of life like the few of her people who did not escape.

She would owe the Major more than he could comprehend for the rescue.  She knew that it was also his people in peril, yet the chance he took in rescuing them all was great.

The events afterward had flowed so quickly that the Athosians were settling into the vast city of Atlantis before she fully understood the consequences of such an action.  This speed of decision was not her usual careful consideration.  But once again, the Wraith had limited all choice, seeming to leave her people with no other option.

As Sheppard had lead her through the Ancestral Ring to the mysterious and ancient city, Teyla felt a different kind of fear.  She trusted John Sheppard, respected his honour and bravery, dedication and perseverance.  And yes, there was the ever-present sense of intrigue surrounding him.  But of the rest of his people, this Dr. Weir he had spoken so highly of, their expedition that another of his team had mentioned... Was she right in leading her people here?

Really, what choice had she?

As she had stood reflecting on this at what would be the first of a few such celebrations at Atlantis, she had heard Sheppard's voice laced with a deep regret.  "... I have made things much worse.  I haven't made us any more friends out there."

The woman who had been introduced as Doctor Elizabeth Weir- this 'expedition's' leader, and perhaps the reason Major Sheppard had been able to easily accept Teyla's role of leadership in Athos- responded kindly, "No? Look around you."

Teyla felt a certain association with this woman, and knew she would grow to like her.  Similar to this Dr. Weir, she also wanted very deeply to ease some of the Major's strife.  He was responsible for her being here, for all of her Athosians being here, at this celebration.

"I agree, Major Sheppard," she said with a slow smile, moving towards the pair from her place at a balcony.  Placing her hands on his shoulders, she did not hesitate again.  She lowered her head in the way of her people, and she knew Sheppard would understand the unspoken invitation, this act of acceptance and acknowledgement.  It was all the peace she could currently offer him.

When his forehead touched with hers, she felt she understood a little more of the enigmatic man who had come to her world so recently.  She felt a small amount- very small- of tension ease from his shoulders, and knew then that he had grasped minutely the enormity of her gratitude.

Raising her head, and dropping her hands from his shoulders, she maintained eye contact with him.  "You have earned both my friendship and that of my people.  With our help," she continued with a small smile, and a tone full of promise, "you will make many more friends."

Having done all she felt she could do, she inclined her head slightly, and moved to rejoin her people as they celebrated their continued existence and their new home.

series: a curiosity (sga), sga: teyla emmagan, type: het, sga: pairing - teyla/john, sga: john sheppard, stargate: atlantis

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