Apr 27, 2005 14:04
oh bother.
today is rainy. no good. but when i woke up i was happy cuz i saw that dt wasnt mad at me. i was pretty bummed last night when he got angered at me, and he had every reason to. ive been a huge bitch lately to him and i shouldnt be. i keep testing the waters with him but he holds strong. i shouldnt do that tho, im just so scared of losing people i kinda push it to see how far they will go with me. so far hes been there the longest. hes a true friend. a keeper. i would seriously be devistated if we ever stopped being friends. for the first time in a long long time, i feel like theres something real in my life. something that wont leave me. i like that feeling. i missed it. my friends mean alot to me but i dont put alota into them because i dont trust that they are always gonna be there. i cant handle losing people so i make it so it wont hurt when i do. but hes the one friend that somehow made it through that barrier and theres no turning back now. hes somehow proven to me that i can trust him and that no matter what he will always be my best friend. :) thank you, love ya kid.
i have to work tonight at 5 which is GOOD! i neeeeeed money!!!
i might stop by the shop to give dt a super high five for being so awesome and to give matt a huge hug cuz matt hugs RULE! but joel is a meany face and has a stick up his pooper every day of his life. i think hes been nice to me like once before.
yea so um my step dad is gonna change the wires so i can go online in my room
k byyyyyye