so pretty much, i love that picture and i love that verse. on the side, i also love going to coffee really really late at night with these two kids i know. that's just on the side.
matt. your are such an amazing man of God. such an example for us all. i got to pray for some bums after church last night. one got hit by a car right after though. yikes. i cried for like 2 minutes.
thanks for pleasantries. You're quite a grand person yourself. I'm sorry to hear about the bum, yet pleased to hear about your praying for them. Hope you're doing well in la Seattle. I'll have to look you up, next time I'm in town. take care, m
lkjjasdf matt i didn't know you ran acousticworship until just now, heh. anyway i wanted to see if you would mind if i posted a promotion for to_glorify_god in your community? it's okay if you say no :P
Comments 7
on the side, i also love going to coffee really really late at night with these two kids i know. that's just on the side.
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