Dec 20, 2005 23:03
It is literally 55 degrees in my bedroom. You might wonder why I have 5 different comforters on my bed, but if you had to sleep there every night you would wonder no longer. Occasionally my festering siblings will attempt to steal these wonderful (And comforting) saviours from me, but if you saw what happened to them after their attempts you would no longer question the hockey stick I keep by my bed.
So apparently Team Standard is going to be a lot sooner than I thought. While I am happy I won't have to wait as long as I thought to partake in the new format (it is rather exciting, after all), I have absolutely no direction on where to go. I don't know how much to take from the current Standard metagame, so I think tomorrow I will take a look at the successful decks at Worlds and see how much overlap various decks have and where I can cut them without hurting them too much. I suspect this will meet with little success, but I really hope the format doesn't devolve into one standard deck per team and two meaningless decks besides. It might go there, though. Danaon gave me his account on MT so I can PM his friend Hat for ideas. I already messaged him about my tech for Fungus Fire in Standard, but he hasn't responded yet. I suspect it's because it sucked. *frown* I should really get Nick and Brian together with me so we can take a good look into Team Standard together, but I'm still not sure what effect Guildpact and Dissension will have on the meta (I am positive, however, that it will be large). Patience is key, though. I've got a lot of time.