Why me?????

May 21, 2005 00:51

I do love my best friend, but there are times when he really sets my teeth on edge. He's always been confident, but ever since he passed the bar exams (yep, he's a lawyer now) he's taken to calling himself the "beauty of the Philippines",which would have been funny if he didn't say it with such absolute conviction, lol.

When we talk about work, he always cuts me off with an anecdote about how well he'd doing, and how much they love him. Usually, even when I get irritated at being cut off, I'd still be happy to hear that he's doing well, so I'd compliment him, and tell him how proud I am of him (and I really am). But what really gets me is that he'd usually reply, but of course, the beauty of the Philippines will always do well. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus, lately he's become obsessed with a bi-curious guy who keeps leading him on, and then avoiding him. It's driving him crazy. It's driving me even crazier, since nowadays 95% of our conversations are about BC guy. And that is not an exaggeration, it might even be an understatement.

He keeps asking me if this guy is just using him to massage his ego and if he should just forget about the guy and I keep saying yes. He'll reply, okay I'm never speaking to him again. The following day he'll still text BC guy, and the whole cycle will start all over again! AAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHHH!

I've been trying to tell him, but it's not getting through, so last night, when he called me crying, and begging me to meet him, I was all set to confront him, but when I saw him, he looked so tired, that I just didn't have the heart. I said to myself, I'll just give him a few minutes to settle down.

But then he hugged me. I'm such a sucker for hugs. Then he gave me a copy of this local movie, Happy Together, about two best friends who've gone through all kinds of crap, and survived together. And he said, thank you for still being here.

It was then that I realized, the guy I grew up with, who defended me and never left my side all through out, was still in there. I also realized that no matter how irritated I get, or how much I want to just shake some sense in him, I will always love my vain, grumpy, intelligent, fashionable, obsessive-compulsive best friend. *sighs*
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