Hope all my American flisters had a nice Thanksgiving and are enjoying their long weekend. Mine has been spent in devouring The Hunger Games trilogy, which believe it or not I didn’t even know existed until a few weeks ago. I though overall they were really good; not the best writing in the world, but plenty of can’t-stop-reading-this-even-though-it’s-three-in-the-morning storytelling. And absolutely devastating (in a good way) world building. Plus, Katniss Everdeen is one of the best heroines I’ve been exposed to in years. If, like me, you live under a rock and haven’t read them yet, I highly recommend the series.
But on to the real event…
Seriously, I got chills down my spine the minute I saw this was the episode title. Because, having just reread Idylls of the King this year, as part of Merlin rebooting my Arthurian legend love, I immediately remembered that this is the title of the first poem in Tennyson’s book-you know, the one where ARTHUR BECOMES KING. So, if Arthur does not end the season as king, I will be deeply disappointed.
(Also, it’s lucky I’m writing these thoughts down during my third viewing, and not my first, because the trailer for next week left me incoherent and flailing for about three hours.)
1. Okay, the opening shot of dead Sir Leon? Would have been a lot more horrible if they hadn’t shown Sir Leon running away from bandits in the trailer from last week. I’m the most unspoiled person I know, and even *I* knew he wasn’t really dead.
2. That said, I loved how Arthur delivered the news to Uther. You could tell these were his friends and comrades, and he is genuinely grieving their loss, not just looking at this as a matter of state.
3. Yay! Druids! I love when we get to see magic people besides Merlin who are not evil. It happens far too rarely on this show.
4. Does anyone else want to know who died so Sir Leon could live? In season one, they made such a point of life for a life, it seems odd that there would be no consequences…
5. If Arthur’s mission is supposed to be so uber-secret, why the hell does Uther tell him in the middle of the giant council room with any number of shadowy corners and dark pillars for his wretched daughter to eavesdrop behind. Answer me that, please, Show. Especially when they’ve known all season that there was a traitor in Camelot.
6. “Immediately and without hesitation.” I’m…not entirely sure Arthur was joking there. Even so, damn, was it hot.
7. Hey, Morgause! I’ve missed you lately. Wow, Emilia Fox was very pregnant when they filmed this episode. I mean, still gorgeous beyond the powers of description, but goodbye slinky red dress and hello voluminous blue cloak. Hee.
8. “It is Morgana that will take the throne, not you or I.” I accept all charges of evil laid on Morgause’s door, as this season has shown that she’s not just the rebellion against Uther but more than a bit disdainful of anyone or anything that gets in her way. But I will forever insist that the affection between the sisters is real and especially strong on Morgause’s side.
9. Okay, Arthur, I love you to pieces, as you know, but please, when you’re king, leave the finances of the kingdom to Guinevere, as you clearly do not understand math at all. A one in two chance of survival is not less, but greater than a one in forty chance. Just saying.
10. SURPRISE GWAINE!!! I honestly had no clue he was going to be in this episode and may have shattered nearby glass with the noise of my squeals at his first appearance.
11. God, I love Bradley James’s cheekbones. /shallow
12. I was a little surprised Arthur didn’t immediately step forward to volunteer, but then, of course, Merlin gets chosen, and Arthur once again proves why he is my favorite character by taking the place of his servant, a move his father would never, ever condone. Also, cheekbones. THEY ARE ESPECIALLY GORGEOUS IN THIS SCENE, OKAY? I cannot let it go.
13. Hee. Of course, Gwaine’s the champion. I love his little look at Arthur, too, like, “Sorry, mate, but what you gonna do?”
14. And here’s why I love Morgause: her line to Cenred, about knowing when she’s threatening him, is so cliché; it’s in pretty much every action movie since the beginning of time. But she just exudes power as she says it, from her flashing eyes, to her cold delivery and soft voice. You absolutely know he’s not living through this episode. GAH, SO AWESOME. (Um, it might also be worth noting that my favorite female character in Alias was Irina Derevko, and I was deeply attached to Darla, Dru, Faith and Lilah in the Cordy!verse. So…yeah.)
15. I do not know why Gwaine and Arthur did not immediately take up the swords and run the slave-trader through, except that it was a chance for the show to make Merlin a hero, since he’s going to screw up so epically later in the episode. That said, their fight, though too short, is very funny. Also, hot. I’m sorry. They put Arthur in the blue shirt today; I cannot help it.
16. That short clip of Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine running away from the burning castle makes me giddy. Courage, Magic and Strength together again. Bliss.
17. “We’re looking for the Cup of Life.” Merlin! This is why Arthur doesn’t tell you things! Also, love that Arthur’s look at him says exactly what my thought was. And the slap around the head, HEE. And how Merlin’s defense is only a shrug and “But…Gwaine!” And Gwaine says they need help, and Arthur’s only response is a shrug and a nod, like, yeah, pretty much. BOYS. My boys and their quests and their adorable and their trio-ness. I want Gwaine in the cast so much next season.
18. Second scene of trio comic relief is also priceless with Gwaine and Arthur showing each other up, and Merlin intervening with a sideways way of saying he’s better than both of them. I…do kind of wonder who would win in an actual fight with Gwaine and Arthur. My instinct is always to side with Arthur because, well, he’s ARTHUR, but I think, in general, Gwaine would probably win. Unless Guinevere’s life was at stake or there was some endlessly noble, peerlessly heroic reason for the fight, in which case, clearly, Arthur would triumph because of the fact that he is all that is good and right with this world.
19. I am unclear on Morgause’s reasons for killing the slave-trader. If she did it to show her power to Cenred or just because the guy asked for a reward, that’s cool. But if she did it because he was a scummy slave-trader, then it’s deeply awesome.
20. The woods in Merlin are always so pretty. /random
21. Okay, I am just *not* comfortable with the scene with Arthur and the Druid boy. You do NOT shake a child like that, Arthur, not EVER. And though I’m almost certain Arthur would never have harmed or killed him-he helped Mordred escape after all-I would have liked visual or verbal confirmation of that fact. Children in jeopardy is NOT OKAY in my world. Or maybe I’m just over-sensitive after reading The Hunger Games.
22. “Guard it well,” say the Druid man’s thoughts. If he knows that Merlin is Emrys, how does he not know that he’s the world’s biggest screw-up?
23. “The only safe place is the vaults of Camelot.” Um, you mean the vaults where Morgana has previously stolen that crystal thing? Guarded by the men who on a near-weekly basis let people escape from the dungeon? Whatever, Show.
24. SERIOUSLY, MERLIN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? NOW is the time to magic up a wall of fire, or go all Dragonlord and summon him to take those guys out and bring you back the Cup. Gaius says, armies of immortal men. Druid leader says, fate of the whole land rests upon it. And Merlin basically says, aw man, it rolled down a hill, guess there’s nothing I can do about it. *headdesk*
25. Way more than one drop from that first soldier, Morgause. Given how many soldiers are lined up there, I don’t think the Cup is going to hold all the blood if you go on like that. And, honestly, Cenred goes to all the trouble of making his army immortal and doesn’t bother with it himself?
26. “Well, now you know.” Oh Morgause, you are so freaking awesome. HEE. I probably enjoy this scene more than I should. Bye, Cenred. Ooh, what if his is the life traded for Leon’s? I’m good with that. I think I’ll make that personal canon.
27. Hey, shot of Leon running through the woods that they spoiled in the previews from last week…Sir Leon’s almost as good as Arthur in his ability to avoid death week in, week out, and he doesn’t even have Merlin watching his back.
28. So if Arthur’s been poisoned by the arrow, and Merlin’s magic didn’t work, how come he’s able to be up and lucid the next day? Did the poison just work its way through his system, and now it really is just his wound that’s the issue?
29. “You were unconscious.” “Always an excuse, Merlin.” For once, I cannot see this as just Arthur blaming things on Merlin, maybe because I’m blaming Merlin a lot myself. FATE OF THIS LAND. IMMORTAL ARMY. Well done, MERLIN.
30. “They will not die.” “Well, let’s kill all the people of Camelot fighting them anyway,” is basically Uther’s response, and why I refuse to see him as a good king. He should have the wisdom to know when to back down from a fight and should have evacuated his people instead of leading them to a massacre.
31. “We have a traitor in our midst.” Who could it possibly be? Certainly not my daughter, who is smirking evilly three feet from my face.
32. GWEN! Hey, Gwen! How are you? Are you all right? Have they been letting you eat and sleep and bathe the past few weeks? I wouldn’t know, given that we haven’t even SEEN you, and now you get one measly scene. Lame, I know. If it helps, next week, it looks like you get epic makeouts with Arthur again. Yeah, I thought it might.
33. Okay, Morgana’s offer to spare Gwen would have meant the world to me at the beginning of the season-on my pre-S3 wishlist included a hope that Morgana would save Gwen or Arthur-but coming on the heels of her trying to have Gwen executed, I just can’t care about this scene at all. She says, “Everyone has a choice, Gwen,” but she’s only offering her the choice between slavery and death, and the look on Gwen’s face says she knows that.
34. Of course Arthur’s first move when he gets back to Camelot is to go to Gwen’s house. OF COURSE IT IS. <3333
35. Hey, Elyan. Glad to see you back in Camelot. Where were you, though, when your sister was about to be executed as a witch? Just wondering, because it’s been bugging me for a while. Still good on you for surviving an immortal army. That can’t be easy.
36. Oh Arthur. How much do I love when he switches into hero mode? Blood poisoning, infected wound, walked a day’s march, sees his soldiers dead and his city in ruins…and still, no stopping, because Gwen, his father, and Camelot need him. *squishes him*
37. And I love just as much when Merlin switches from loyal servant into the actual one in charge. “To hell with your orders, you’re coming with me.” LOVE.
38. Um, Merlin, Gaius, given that the castle has been taken over by ruthless, immortal invaders, maybe you could express your surprise and delight in “inside voices,” as my mother used to say. Just a thought.
39. The water from Avalon! The water from Avalon! The first time I watched this episode, I literally started shaking with excitement.
40. “Nah, I’ve seen the woods already.” Oh, BOYS. *sniffles*
41. I kind of loved seeing Uther forced to bow before Morgause, not gonna lie. Actually, except for the fact that they couldn’t spare one reaction shot for Gwen in the corner, there’s nothing about this last scene I do not love.
42. “But I do.” And Morgana declares herself. Openly, completely, an enemy against her father-how much she hates him and all that he stands for. After a year of watching her evil smirks and her lame attempts to pretend, I am so glad to have her unmasked before Uther and Arthur both. If she’s going to be stone-cold evil like they’ve said all season, then I need her to be an avowed villainess like her sister for her to regain any awesome points with me.
43. Uther’s reaction shot is a thing of beauty. And pain. But mostly beauty, as he sees all his life’s mistakes come back to haunt him.
44. Arthur’s, however, breaks my heart. Because he finds out Morgana is his sister-something I think he would have treasured-at the same moment he finds out she has betrayed them all. Poor thing.
45. Next week: A/G MAKEOUTS!!!! THE ROUND TABLE!!!!! EXCALIBUR!!!!! I am seriously about to pass out from joy. It’s lucky they include that shot of Lancelot to give me something I know I won’t like about next week. Because everything else looks like everything I ever could have dreamed for the finale.