P E R M I S S I O N S .
TRIGGERS. A load of them. References to Freelancer, Aritificial Intelligence units and his history at the program is likely to get him on edge, especially regarding Epsilon. Questioning his sanity or his memory is a very good way to get him pissed off at you. General incompetence, wasting his time, getting in his way is also not realy looked on kindly. He isn't likely to flip his shit immediately, but pushing it with any of these is going to earn you a bullet buried somewhere in your flesh. So. :|a
MEDICAL INFO. Est. 6' unarmored, 6'2" or so armored. Healthy and very physically fit, in armor capable of strength and reflexes bordering on superhuman, and without still pretty damn formidable. Essentially a soldier, turned up to eleven, and has the build and capability to match. Somewhat of an insomniac, but it doesn't affect him anymore.
MENTAL INFO. If you think he didn't have much patience before, wait til you get a load of him now. Getting on his nerves is a very, very bad idea, because nowadays the only warning you'll get is the sound of your brains blowing out the back of your skull. Since he's no longer holding back his somewhat violent impulses, he's surprisingly calm, albeit in a creepy way. May not be completely batshit just yet, but "sane" probably isn't the right word -- he's definitely on his way. Just leave him alone and you'll be safe. For the most part. Yeah.
FOURTH-WALLING. I'd rather not, honestly, but if you really want to talk to me about it.
PHYSICAL CONTACT. Well, sure, your characters are welcome to try, but don't expect him to take it lightly. But yeah if they can handle the consequences, go for it!
ROMANCE/SEXUAL RELATIONS. It's not that he doesn't understand what that crap is, but it's just that his life is so amazingly focused on his mission that he really doesn't give a shit anymore. As far as he's concerned love and romance is for people who didn't get their lives fucked over by the army -- so yeah, you can try? But it's very, very unlikely.
INJURE/KILL. He's not going to go down easy, man, but if you can do it, why not? Just talk to me about it first. Wash is really bad with forgiving people.
DEVICE HACKING. Sure! He's not going to like you, though, if he fidns out, just fyi.
ANYTHING ELSE. Just ask, buddy.