3rd Super Robot Wars - Moonlight

Feb 03, 2015 00:15

Harvest moon.


Turn 1
The Inspectors
- Graterkin (Mekibos)
- Galgau (Vigaji)
- NZ-000 Queen Mansa
- MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mk-II
- MA-08 Big Zam
- MAN-08 Elmeth
- PMX-000 Messala (2)
- RX-110 Gabthley (6)
- RX-139 Hambrabi (3)
- AMX-014 Doven Wolf (2)
- AMX-015 Geymalk
- MSN-03 Jagd Doga (3)
- Mechanical Beast Genova M9
- Warrior Beast Gratonios

Turn 4
Londo Bell
- AMX-002 Neue Ziel (Anavel Gato)

Turn 5 Enemy Phase
The Inspectors
- AMX-014 Doven Wolf (2)
- AMX-011 Zaku III (2)

Mekibos Leaves, Next Turn
The Inspectors
- Silbelwind (Aguija)
- Drukin (Sikalog)

Bright: What's wrong, Mirai? We seem to have gone off-course.
Mirai: Things have been...strange. It seems almost like we're being dragged...Wuuh?!
Bright: Wha...?!
Kouji: What, what! What's wrong?!
Mirai: I can't change our course! I'll make a soft landing on the moon's surface!

Turn 1
Bright: Are we stuck, Mirai?
Mirai: Engines are at maximum output! We seem to be being pulled by something! We can't move!
Banjou: ...A...trap?
Vigaji: Welcome to the Moon. This desolate, dead world will become your grave.
Kamille: Aliens!
Vigaji: There's no way we can just leave you alone now. You'll have to be destroyed before we take care of the Earth.
Mekibos: Vigaji, don't overdo it. If we lose our forces, we won't win.
Vigaji: Heh, don't worry. I can't lose!

Turn 4
Gato: Oh ho, just as I'd expect from Londo Bell. Not wasting any time in taking on these aliens.
Kou: What?! Gato?!
Gato: I am Anavel Gato. I'm here to help!
Bright: What?!
Nina: Gato?!
Gato: I'm through with the DC. You and I have the same motives. We both want to protect the Earth from the aliens.
Kouji: We can't trust him!
Bright: We have to trust him this time. Right, Nina?
Nina: Y-yeah.

Less than 10 enemies, Mekibos and Vigaji alive
Mekibos: ...It's an utter failure...There's no meaning to this anymore.
Vigaji: No, that's no true!
Mekibos: ...Give up, Vigaji. We've lost. Let's wait for another chance.
Vigaji: No! As Commanding Officer, I will decide when that time has come! What would I tell Wendolo?!
Mekibos: It's commanding officer's job to retreat when the time to retreat has come!
Vigaji: No! I will not retreat! I will defeat them at any сost!
Mekibos: ...Do what you will. I'm going to return and report. Later!
Vigaji: I will not be defeated! Uuhhh...Dammit! I'll show you!
Vigaji use seishin "rage"

Turn 6
Aquija: Hey, hey. Don't lose your temper Vigaji.
Vigaji: Aquija!
Aquija: Eh? Where's Mekibos?
Vigaji: ...What the hell do I care?!
Aquija: Fine. I'll fight too.
Vigaji: You think we need your help?!
Aquija: Don't get me wrong, I'm not helping you. I only want to pay back that damned Londo Bell.

Vigaji defeated
Vigaji: What?! To think I could be defeated...I absolutely will not admit defeat!

Ra Cailum не может двигаться и если мы не хотим увидеть подкрепление в виде двух других Инспекторов, то нам нужно убить Мекибоса до того как у противника останется меньше десяти юнитов. В идеале вместе с Вигаджи. Для этого используется сейшин "rage". Он атакует все юниты, и они начинают свое движение. У Мекибоса и Вигаджи есть double movement. Поэтому они опередят свои силы и попадут в ловушку. Их встретят расстановленные и подготовленные заранее MAP с супер роботами. Банджо даже получит свой double movement. Остальная часть партии как Cybuster, Valsione и другие летающие юниты быстро передвигаются по карте, используя double movement, и расчищают её. Как это ни смешно, но победить двух Инспекторов легко, а быстро расправить с мелочью в каждом углу карты трудно. Это несколько проще после появление Neue Ziel. Он и GP-03 братья близнецы и имеют одинаковый MAP. Он самый слабый MAP в игре, но позволяет атаковать выбранный участок, что крайне полезно. Ra Cailum начнет двигаться благодаря помощи Шу на третьем ходу. Интересно, почему у него есть точно такая же гравитационная технология как у Инспекторов? Миссия закончится в пять ходов. Вигаджи погибает окончательно. Не стоит беспокоиться, что мы не встретили остальных Инспекторов на этой миссии. Мы их еще увидим на миссии 34. А пока нам разобраться с остатками DC, которые сражаются между собой.

After Victory
Gato: The DC is currently split between Gihren and Kycilia. Now is our chance to defeat them.
Bright: ...Can we trust you?
Gato: I am not trying to trick anyone. The current DC has forgotten its original reason for existence and is nothing more than a shell of what in once was. At Granada, a battle between DC forces is beginning. Naturally, we must fight the aliens. But I cannot overlook the DC.
Bright: Ok, let's head for Granada!
Nina: Gato...
Gato: Nina... Purpleton?
Kou: Nina?! What are you doing?! Explain this!
Nina: K-Kou...I...
Lucette: ...I will explain.
Nina: Lucette?!
Lucette: Nina, just let me clear this up. Nina once had a relationship with Gato. It was 3 years ago.
Gato: It was a long time ago. I am am honorable man now. I have no time for looking back into the past.
Nina: ...
Kou: Ergh!

New Units:
- AMX-002 Neue Ziel

New Pilots
- Anavel Gato

Turn Count - 165

super robot wars, mission 32, srw 3, [gamer ryusei post]

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