Jul 13, 2006 14:38
Neronis had a great birthday. Lots of people came by; Lars & Lynn stayed overnight - slumber party! - and we played games. Saw Superman in 3D, ate good mexican food, went to a concert. Had a minor panic attack while there, and MFAH (Museum of Fine Arts Houston) is terrible at organizing youth events. No clearly marked exits, overpriced drinks, bad traffic control, and to top it all off, the only exhibit I could find open was a fricking QUILTING exhibit! How out of touch is MFAH?! I don't care, I'm not going there again in my whole damn life. They deserve to be outdated, stuffy and fail in making a profit.
I am so guilty, so much has been going on that I'm not drawing lately, or organizing, or even fixing my damn website.
I am at work and farting some pretty nasty rank farts.
Got a Gamecube for our anniversary, along with Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, Paper Mario, Metroid: Hunters, and a racing game. I brought Animal Crossing & Tales of Symphonia from my parent's house, couldn't find Zelda: Wind Waker.
Lexidoo and Mena had a great 2nd and 1st birthday party. They're so cute. Lots of pictures, which I'll print after I get some shots of Sydney (new baby cousin) this Saturday. I love her dimples and the cleft in her chin.
Pregnancy scare. I'm glad I'm not, but it was at the point I was expecting to be, so there was some disappointment, then a lot of relief.
Inlaws and Lexidoo are going next Friday until August 27. A lot to do before they go - stock up on ferret neccessities, dog food, learn where the vet is, how to clean the pool, and make a grocery list & menu. I'm going to miss not having a little girl to come home to, or socializing with Sheridan, and I won't be able to go out to see my own family a lot during that time (since the dog will need to be fed and let out ASAP after work). Zoe is going to have such a hard time without her momma bear there to feed her and let her go outside to potty all day.
Still, at least I'll be able to get the laundry done, some projects I wanted to do finished, without several hours of my day devoted to the family - getting to know Sheridan, playing with Lexidoo... I'll miss it but I'll have the backed up projecs to occupy me.