That's what you get for letting another girl drive your car that isn't me. I am joking of course! It really sucks that your wonderful Z is going through that much pain! Poor thing! Que Será Será (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) It's not as if you could have seen this coming, you were trying to help someone in need. That just shows that you are an amazing person! It is just unfortunate that it had to happen. Your mom is kinda right, but so are you. It's the wonderful gray area that we have stumbled upon. I don't know your friend, so I can's say that they didn't take advantage of your kindness by driving the car too rough or what not but I am hoping that is not the case. Be helpful to the people you can trust, not to all people, unfortunately that numero uno thing comes into play and at the end of the day some people would rather it be you than them. and that is just how people are. I think that is the point your Mom was trying to portray a mother..she wants to protect you (like all of your true friends would). I hope the Z feels better soon, I'll be crossing my fingers for a head gasket and no water in the motor or oil pan! I hope the Z is okay, Good luck!
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