Jul 19, 2006 22:01
So, I was gong to do that whole questionaire thingy... infact, I did half of it, then my power went out lsat night, and my cable didn't come back... so.. well, there went that. And yes, it did autosave it, but I clicked cancel, the moment's gone ya know?
Last night we went up to Grandpops house. It was kind of really weird. Aunt Terry already took the stuff she wanted, and tagged what wasn't taken. And Connie had some stuff tagged. Then we all went up, had some pizza, and took what we wanted. I got the one thing I really wanted from them... the cast iron skillets. Grandmom had like ten of them, but three were rusted beyond help. And I felt bad, because it seemed like Theresa didn't know what was really going on. So I offered a couple of them to her, because she seemed to like them too. But she only took one of the smaller ones, beings she doesn't know how to cook with them. That's fine by me! I'm scared though. I"m not sure I'll remember how to wash them correctly or take care of them. I know you don't use soap in them. Or atleast not a lot. And you always dry them on the stove over low heat. Atleast that's what grandmom did. But I always loved the way meatballs cooked in those things. We'll see whatelse I can make in them. And I got a griddle one. I'm super excited about that. Good pancakes!
Mariah and I got to split a set of china. Grandmom had like, 6 sets total or so. Connie got one when Grandmom died, but the rest stayed in the house with grandpop. Connie got the christmas set, Jason got the one that was more manly, and Mariah and I split the other one. It's cool though, because we both have a set of 8. And we get the silverware. I always loved that set too. Especially the butter knives.
No one has a spot for the Hope Chest... so I said I'd take it.. but I don't have space for it, so hopefully it can stay in the house. And I wound up with the Cherry Desk. Which really, if someone else wants it or can use it, they can take it.
And I talked to Dad today. I asked him how hard it would be to refinish the poster bed. He said it shouldn't be too hard, and didn't seem opposed to helping me do it. That should be some good bonding tiem for us. Then whoever moves out and wants a bigger bed between Mariah and I can take that.
Other than that, we got some plates she used as deocrations. And a couple old books.
I felt really bad for Aunt Terry. She said the hardest thing for her was turning off the phone, because that's ALWAYS been their number. And it will always be their number to me. I don't think I'll ever forget it.
It felt weird being in that house though. But good at the same time, with all of us standing there talking about our memories. We tried to convince Ed that we really did need a set of sixteen for Christmas PotPie dinner. And that everyone did, in fact, have their own place setting. And that altough the kids ate in the kitchen when he was little, we as kids ate in the living room.
I dunno. Maybe it's weird that I wrote this entry. Maybe it's even weirder that I didn't shed a tear while doing so. I dunno. I'm just happy he's not in any pain anymore ya know? And mom and Grandmom are there waiting for him. So, in the words of Bon Jovi... It's alright!