This one isn't blocked, because it shouldn't be hidden

Mar 10, 2004 17:11

it would be perfect if you would post this and have people sign it:

It is now clear that President Bush and the Republicans will use attacks against gays and lesbians as their 2004 election year strategy.

This week, President Bush officially declared his support for the Federal Marriage Amendment a measure that would write discrimination into the United States Constitution.

This is our year to fight back and be heard. Sign here to oppose the amendment:

If we stand united in 2004, we can protect our civil rights and liberties and protect the constitution from the hands of the far-right conservatives. That's why I want you to add your name along with mine to this petition it's time to stand up and be heard.

Our goal is huge -- 500,000 signers by June -- Pride month. I want you to sign it and I want you to pass it to your friends. This is critical to our civil rights and liberties.

Bush can't run on his record, so he'll work to divide Americans on wedge issues like same-sex marriage to ignite his failing campaign. What's worse he's willing to do it by darkening our Constitution with an amendment that forbids our rights instead of protecting them the only amendment to do so since Prohibition.

All of our civil rights are at stake, and we must do everything we can to protect them. Let's start by showing them we are many, united, and will not be silent any longer.

Please sign this petition today and join with the DNC in making our voices heard and defeating Bush in November.

Margaret Cho
& ThePetitionSite Team
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