sOoOo late.. wit a need tO update!!

Jul 18, 2004 03:31

DaNG... i ain`t updated this shyt in a lOng time! but yOo knOe tha stOry.. been grOunded, then Outta tOwn for 2 weeKs.. gOt a lOt tO taLk abOut!!

+ sunset beaCh, NC ((june 26-juLy 3)) :: sOoOo muCh fun... britt was suppOsed tO gO wit me but she hadda gO to a ChurCh camp the same week, Laura cOuLdn`t cOme beCause she was gOin Outta tOwn wif her Own famiLy, `nd eriKa was aLreddy Outta tOwn, sO i ended up gOin aLone wif tha rest of tha famiLy. but it was stiLL tight... Our cOndO was right On the beaCh, the beaCh was sO awesOme, i hit it up err`day aLL day exCept One day it rained sO we went tO murtLe beaCh tO shOp, `nd err`night i tOok muh LiL brOtha ((`nd sOmetimes muh LiL sis tOo)) `nd we waLked abOut a miLe `nd a haLf tO "the pier" where aLL the kids muh age hung Out... `nd i met sO many tight peOpLe.. weLL aLL of `em were guys.. `nd mOst of `em were fyne, but yOo knOe i gOtta be gOod LoLz.. but... HeY matt `nd brett ((muh 2 favOrites!! 17 `nd adOrabLe!)), matt #2, zaCk, jaCOb, rObin, andrew, rOb... `nd sOrry i fOrget tha resta yaLL`s names but HeY, that was awesOme... i hOpe we aLL are @ tha beaCh again @ tha same time next summer! i knOe matt `nd brett wiLL be beCause matt said he was `nd brett Lives there..OmG it was sOoOo funny... aLL tha guys were at Least 16.. `nd they aLL thOught i was LyKe, 17, sO when i tOLd them i was OnLy aLmOst 15, they LyKe, paSt Out!! LoLz.. ahh sunset beaCh was oFF tha hOok, i bareLy paYed attentiOn tO tha faCt that i was grOunded beCause it was sO fun!! thennn after that wOnderfuL week.. it was Off tO VA for a sOLid week wit tha g-uNits...

+ Chatham, VA ((juLy 3- juLy 1O)) :: ahh it suCked.. first oFF, if u dOn`t bring a friend uP therre with yOo, there`s NO ONE yOor age. it`z a LiL waLk-thrOugh tOwn in tha cOuntry in virginia... their mOvie rentaL pLaCe cLoses at 10, `nd tO get aNywhere, tO shOp Or even juSs a damn restaurant, yOo hafta drive fOr Lyke, 30 minutes!! neways... i gueSs muh dad tOLd muh gramparents what i did ((he had tO, cuz i was stiLL grOunded uP there, tOo))... sO aLL they did tha whOLe time was PREACH to me. and i`m tha type of persOn where i cannOt STAND tO be tOLd what tO dO ;; it`z muh Lyfe `nd i dO what i want ((mOst Of the time it`s gOod deCisiOns LoLz)).. i maKe mistaKes `nd then i Learn frOm them `nd i`d neva dO sOmethin tO put muh Lyfe or any Of muh friend`s LyFes in danger... sO what`s the big deaL!? anyways.. i had tO fLy baCk hOme but that was nO big beCause i`ve dOne that sinCe age 4.. even thOugh it was my first time that i had tO change flights aLL by muhseLf, in nashviLLe, `nd i had 2 hOurs in between fLights sO i waLked arOund, i met 2 new guys on muh first pLane (tO nashviLLe), they asked me tO sit by them On tha pLane LoL... hey wiLL `nd jaKe! they Live in OhiO thOugh.. sO we said bye in nashviLLe... but it was straight.. i was sOoOo happy tO be baCk hOme!!! and i gOt off grOunding that mOnday sO i`m straight!!

sinCe i been hOme, i juss been ChiLLen, mOstLy wit britt, erika, `nd Laura.. i ain`t seen any Of the Cru yet beCause they been in `nd Outta tOwn... i definateLy haven`t seen **him** yet... :( oOo weLL.. when he gets baCk in tOwn it`LL be straight... he needs ta caLL me!! LoL.. weLL.. i`m Out i guess...tOnyte i`m ova here at britt`s.. she`s sLeepin thOugh LoLz.. oOo yeah hOpe yOo Lyke tha new styLe tO muh LivejOurnaL.. if yOo dOn`t :: kiSs muH aSs! haha juss pLayin.. yOo knOe i LOve yOo!! hOLLuh atChya girL! <3
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