MiDniGhT sToRy TiMe!! *wOo hOo!*

Jun 12, 2004 00:24

hey quys!!! sOrry.. riqht nOw i`m in a pretty qOod mOod.. at Least i think sO.. sO i`m a bit hyper!! whiCh is a qOod thinq Cause i feeL Lyke i haven`t been hyper aLL day tOday!! Kay newayz.. UpDaTe TiMe!! >>OoOh YeS!<<

+ been sOoOo freakin busy this week.. seems Lyke i`m bareLy hOme... Nd if i am i qOt sOmeOne with mEeh.. but stiLL this summer`z been sO tiqht sO far... it`z Lyke.. nOn-stOp friends Nd crazieneSs!
+ i spent tha nyte @ Laura`z with britt the Otha nyte.. that was fun... we had a piCniC in her rOom Nd a LOT of qirL taLk.. Nd then the next day hiCe, davie, Nd jOn aLL Came Ova Nd watChed a mOvie wif us.. that was pretttty fun... i qOt qum in muh hair thO.. >>Uh OoOh!<<
+ erika Nd britt spent the niqht Last nyte... >>WoOo hOo!<< we had sOme fun.. we didn`t even qO tO bed untiL Lyke, 4 AM whiCh is kinda bad Cause it seems i haven`t qOne tO sLeep any earLier than that in abOut 2 wEeks.. OoO weLL.. i LoVe yALL!!
+ tOday.. BIG fiqht wit muh mOm.. but i qOt things straiqht... Nd i think i`m happy nOw.. fOr tha mOst part...
+ RuSsO`z hOuse tOday: swiMmin.. that was fun.. then tOnyte i went up tO the mOvies wit ruSsO, beCca, jOn, Nd hiCe.. Nd it was aLright.. i been thinkin a Lot LateLy Nd i think i finaLLy made a decision.. **i THINK**
+ yOo knOe what.. i`ve reaLized that i reaLLy have chanqed... i`m a Lot happier than i used tO be.. Nd i reaLized that i`m wOrth mOre than mOpin Ova stupid LiL sHyt! i used tO wOnder.. "awe how did i EVER qet (whoever)" but nOw i reaLized that i was qOod enOuqh fOr them.. Nd i dOn`t Let sHiiat qet tO mEeh Lyke i used to, either.. it juss ain`t wOrth it!! qOsh.. i`m suCh a happy persOn.. i fEeL Lyke streakinq!! >>oOo LoRdY!!<<

kay weLL newayz.. yeah Lyfe is pretty qOod i queSs... i`m finaLLy seein that i qOt muh Lyfe baCk under cOntroL Nd it dOn`t suCk NemOre.. in faCt it`z pretty daNm awesOme! tOmOrOe i sOrta wanna qO tO tha beaCh.. but i dOn`t think muh mOm`z up tO takin mEeh sO i queSs i`ma juss Lay Out Nd swim herre.. maybe i Can have a few ppL Ova or sumthin.. yeah well i reaLLy dOn`t qOt nethinq eLse tO say.. sO i`ma bOuNcE... TTuL <3
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