Plague and Pestilence

Dec 29, 2009 21:30

I caught the wicked stomach flu that's been going around (Cj had it before me, my Dad had it before him), so I basically spent all of yesterday crouched on the floor in the bathroom watching the ants try and reclaim my shower. It was like having cable that's stuck on some sort of Animal Planet rainforest show.

The crappy thing is that I was supposed to start assisting on a show with a new director I've never worked with before the day I got the flu. I threw up first just about the time I was supposed to be getting to the theater for the Meet and Greet. Totally sucks. I sent some apologetic emails but I still feel terrible. I wanted to go to work today when I woke up after a few hours of puke-free sleep, but the husband made me stay in bed, and the first time I got up to go to the bathroom I was glad he had. So dizzy. Couldn't even go to rock band tonight.

Puppet Camelot closed on Sunday, and I'm relieved. The show turned out really great, but given the fact that it was a holiday weekend a lot of my last-minute support people were out of town and I really felt the strain. I doubt that had anything to do with my getting sick... this just seems to be the gestation time of the virus, but it was still really nerve-racking. Congrats to my cast and crew for pulling off something I now realize should have been impossible on our rehearsal schedule and budget. I guess you really can do impossible things if you don't know they're impossible, eh?

Tomorrow I will for sure go to work. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up the threads of what I should have been doing for the past few days without too much trouble.

It's raining again. Hoping for a good night's sleep tonight

theater, rain, the plague, drama

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