to my dear insect, and also to the mammalian part of my f-list,

Jan 11, 2011 22:22

This is (another) prompt post!! I only kind of, vaguely, maybe, feel like writing, but pause has been bugging me for this post for a long time, and since I'm a nice person, I decided to humour her. :| I do feel obliged to put it out there that your prompt will probably not be filled... at least not in the near future. :||

Anyway, leave me things! Leave me anything. Pretty, ugly, thought-provoking, challenging; quotation, image, ~hipster graphic~, whatever. Provide a pairing/fandom (not that I have many of either) if you wish. MOSTLY I JUST WRITE GEN FIC, IF ANYTHING, SO.

Alternatively, we can play the five times prompt game again, if you all promise to forget about That Other Post wherein I wrote about ten of the 293847928734 prompts I was left. :| I'll take prompts for Merlin, Misfits; football, I guess. I don't write BEAST fic, but if you're sushikabob89 and you like to whine, you can leave me some prompts anyway. I also don't write HP fic, but I may be persuaded to eye some H/D prompts for longer than necessary.

I hope you're all having a good 2011 so far! School is... meh. Japanese and Korean are the same as usual (hard to study for/hard, respectively), Anthropology of Development is ~okay (kind of interesting, the prof is nice, we get study sheets!!!!), and I don't know about Archaeology of Japan and Korea yet, because the prof is still on a dig in China and doesn't get back til the 18th. My anth midterm is on Feb 4th, though, and Korean presentations are coming up... :((( Not that the work ever stops with Korean dfgjkhaghjaargh. I have a Japanese test tomorrow that I should be studying for. :| How is it only Tuesday???? I swear it felt like Friday all day today. SIGH.


school, writing, always read the hover text

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