
Jun 03, 2010 20:38

Hi! Sorry that all I ever do these days is make useless/nonsensical posts with no real content. Today I bring you a book club, run by essyllus and kipling


So once again..... I don't have much to say. LMFAO ummm I'm in Taiwan! I'll be here at least until early July. I am actually using dial-up internet right now, which I think is hilarious - though I wouldn't if it were painfully slow, which it thankfully is not 8")

I'm sooooooooooooo excited for SYTYCD this season. Mostly because of Billy Bell :| (I am an embarrassing stan...) But also, Alex Wong!! The potential cast list spoilers made me happy, kekeke.

My laptop makes my life so difficult >:( Although the T key on my laptop (the one I dropped a textbook on) remains working, albeit shoddily, my apostrophe/quotation mark key barely works now. I legit have to bang on it. And my space bar stops working sometimes. AGH

Uhhhhhh anyway. I hope you're all doing well! ♥

life, summer

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