I'm free!! Done! Free!!!! Whatever. FINALLY D:
So I ended up not taking the History provincial because I justtt have an A stfu, I'm stupid :| and I didn't want my mark to drop. I took the Mandarin provincial, though.. it was really really really reaaally easy anyway. Except for that stupid question about luxiang. I'M NOT MAINLAND CHINESE HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT MEANT VIDEO. :(
Five days until I leave o_o so there's lots to do.. last minute shopping 8D, packing D:, hanging out with people?? and stuff. I also need to find someone who can take care of Rumble; the friend who was going to take him for the summer can't anymore. x_x; I've turned off LoudTwitter for these five days~ I'll turn it back on when I leave, or something.
Oh yeah, I think I'll be doing the alphabet meme tomorrow or something, so..
leftover letters!! -prods- A-and an intro post. For real this time :(
My Super Show Live (lol I typed love..) Concert CD and SHINee mini-album came in the mail yesterday :D I'm really glad they got here before I leave T_____________T orz, I'm so behind on fandom already.. ||||| ...Anddd I want another haircut. >_>
So~ how are you all, flist♥