I really wanted to do this yesterday, but I was out at night and posting at 4PM seemed kind of lame. So, here we are now. Ummm, first off!
I don't have much to say about 2007, but overall, it was okay. Not really good, but not really bad, either. So okay.
One thing I do have to do is just mention (again) how amazing my chatbabis are.
chiblet &
oyyun ♥
You guys are fabulous, wonderful, crazy, ADHD, and just so much fun. I love you all so much. Happy 5+ months and thank you all for making every day great. ): ♥ Uhh.. the year at a glance.
d-oomsday for a lot of everything, even if we hate each other most of the time! JK ILU HAHAHA. My favourite hada~ T^T<33
Epik High. Super Junior. ☆ Hyukjae. Tablo.
I couldn't really not mention these. >:
Understanding myself. Teaching myself that it's okay to let go and that it's okay to cry. Writing. Not much, but at least it's something. :X
KAY NOW IT'S TIME FOR "the curvy year"
What do I want from 2008 DDDDD:
..First thing that came to mind was health. I should probably work on that.
At the end of 2008, I still want to be a psycho fan \o/
Work on my writing!! Ugh come on Viva, you can do this. >:| hwaiting~
Learn to speak my mind more often. I'm not exactly sure if this is something I need to work on, but a lot of times I bite back things to avoid conflict, so maybe. D:
ACADEMICS. I need to pull my grades up omfg. ): And I guess I have to start seriously thinking about university and stuff. Whether or not I want to take SATs, blah blah blah, exactly what occupation I want to pursue. Guhh life.
Okay I think that's it! Except maybe get a job. I'm still thinking on that one. Oh lol and comment more!!! I SUCK AT COMMENTING DDDD:
One last thing~
first hug; jenny.
first outgoing text;
d-oomsdayfirst incoming text;
d-oomsdayfirst words; happy new year (hahahaha)
That's all I can remember T_T
Thanks 2007, for bringing me a bunch of awesome new friends, and for fandom
But no thanks for being such a bitch to deal with sometimes.
Hey 2008, I'm ready for you.
Let's do this.
Good luck, flist~~~~~ ♥