story time.

Nov 22, 2007 22:47

從前以前, 有一隻名叫 ‘瑣兒’ 的小鳥. 它有很多好朋友, 其中包括一個紅音符, 一朵白雲, 一道美麗的彩虹, 一個可愛的蘑菇, 還有一隻活潑的蝸牛. 他們這五個是最好最好的朋友. 有一隻壞猩猩, 很嫉妒他們的友情, 就下定決心要陷害那隻小鳥兒. 可是, 那隻邪惡猩猩的計畫卻被蘑菇發現了, 而它就馬上通知了小鳥瑣兒. 紅音符們也激急得來幫忙 -- 音符唱了魔法歌, 彩虹跳了性感辣妹舞, 蝸牛和雲朵則是畫了一幅充滿愛的圖畫. 這麼多的愛集中在一起, 簡直是把壞猩猩給嚇跑了. 從此以後, 就沒有人再敢來妨礙我們的五位英雄了. 因此, 他們快快樂樂的一起活了一輩子.

translation from babelfish.

Before past, some name calls 'Sora' bird. It has very many good friends, including a red note, white clouds, together beautiful rainbow, a lovable mushroom, but also some lively snail. Their these five are the best best friend. Some bad orangutan, envies their friendship very much, sets firm resolve to have to frame that bird. But, that evil fierce orangutan's plan actually is only bothered has discovered, but it immediately informed the bird Sora. Red notes also to stir up is anxious helps - the note to sing the black magic song, the rainbow jumped the sexy spicy younger sister to dance, the snail and the clouds were have drawn the drawing which filled loves. Such many loves concentrate in together, simply was for ran away in fear the bad orangutan. From then on, nobody again dared to hinder us five heroes. Therefore, they were joyful have lived together for a lifetime.

before past. baby, it's timeless.

* (yengizzle), * (hada)

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