Title: The Ones You Least Suspect
Author: freefalldruid
Rating: M for violence and disturbing content, to be safe.
Pairings (all minor, no sex): Blaine/Kurt, Finn/Rachel, Santana/Brittany, Burt/Carole, Will/Emma, Mike/Tina.
Warnings: severe main character injury, some slash, some het, minor character death, abusive language/thoughts, discussion of suicide and implied suicide somewhat, homicide, quite a lot of swearing, some religious thoughts, disturbing thoughts, hospitals and treatment (minor).
Note1: For this prompt
http://glee-angst-meme.livejournal.com/26699.html?thread=15837259#t15837259 at the glee angst meme. It was this character as the murderer all the way for me, right when I saw the comment below about making it someone super-unlikely. I took some liberties but this is how I see it. =) Also… it was supposed to be short but it just wouldn’t end. =)
Note2: This was originally just going to be about the death, but then it wanted to be mysterious. This is my first story, if you’d like to contribute comments and criticisms that would be wonderful. Feel free to guess who it is, too… =) Also, I am not an expert in anything so while I’ve tried to check facts here, there may be some errors. Also also, Sebastian’s father is a senator.
Chapter One - Sebastian and a friendChapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve