
Jun 27, 2011 01:53

My son was born on Tuesday 06/21/2011 at 4.12 pm 8 lbs 3 oz.

Giving birth was the most frightening and traumatizing thing i have ever had to go through in my life. i knew that it was going to be painful and i knew that it was going to be hard but i had no clue that things were going to be so insane. i started my contractions on Saturday. they were so painful and they wouldn't stop... they were erratic coming at every 15 min then 5 then 10 then 25 minutes throughout the whole day and at night i was not able to sleep because they were so bad. Then Sunday we went to a BBQ and i was having them also all day . i didn't want everyone to know so i just sat there and took them with gritted teeth, then Monday they were so bad i was almost screaming. . i had to go in for testing that day at another hospital and even the people testing me knew i was in a lot of pain.... and all wished that i would go into labor soon. my baby was supposed to be due on 06/16 and was late... if i had not giving birth by Friday the 24th they were going to induce and i didnt want that so i was hoping to give birth soon as well... later that night after hours and hours of the contractions getting closer and closer together i couldnt take it anymore i called the dr and went to the hospital at 7 they put me on the monitor and told me that the contractions were only 5 minutes apart and that i had to go home until they were closer... i was told to go home and drink some wine. so i went home had some wine and walked around the block.,... the contracted were not 2-5 minutes together...i called the dr again and she told me to go in to the hospital again ... it was so bad. and i was afraid of having the epidural so i had to go through about 7 hours of contractions using only lamaze which didnt help too much but the nurse was impressed... she said most people who say they are only going to use lamaze break down and get the epidural after less than an hour into it... but i got the epidural and was still in alot of pain on and off ... i started to push out the kid and he just wasnt coming out... i had been basically up for 3 days with no sleep and i didnt have the strength and the dr said that he was afraid that the babys shoulders were going to get stuck and that he could break bones... so i agreed to the c section... after attempting a few more pushes which the dr didnt seem too interested in them and just wanted to do the section. they gave me another booster to the epidural and gave me a push through the epidural that they referred to as an oblivion shot... i was numb from the neck down,,, the rest was a blur.. i remember bits and pieces and then i saw the baby saw him with my husband and basically conked out and woke up in recovery... the hospital stay was a nightmare,.. so many bloods taken and iv-s put in .,, catheters,,, i came home on friday... and i still cant walk sleep stand lay down.... and wednesday matthew goes back to work so i am going to be on my own... and i cant even get up off the bed =0( i still feel deeply traumatized and when i think about the whole thing i shake,,, my baby is so beautiful, so perfect... now on top of everything i have to deal with bullshit from the in laws. .. grrrr why cant i just get some space and be able to mentally and physically recover before more shit has to happen to me... such bullshit
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