
May 15, 2011 22:06

Character: Castiel
Series: Supernatural
Age: He has a few thousand years under his belt, but appears to be about 30.
Job: Advisor to Understanding Humanity

Canon: Supernatural begins as the simple story concerning the brotherly bond between Sam and Dean Winchester as they road trip across America, hunting down monsters as they go. Of course, things become a little more complicated when demons and angels show up and bring the apocalypse with them, but that too turns out to be just another bump in the road for our heroes. Now they’re left to deal with the aftermath of the very near end of the world along with a few of their remaining allies, including the once fallen angel, Castiel. As is turns out, trouble isn’t able to settle down quite so easily as bigger and badder monsters begin to appear, and it’s left to the Winchesters to, once again, take these nasty things out for good.

Castiel is an angel of the lord and although he used to be little more than heaven’s bitch, after helping the Winchester’s stop the apocalypse by dying a few times (no big deal) he comes to understand the concept of free will and embraces it openly -even if the rest of his kin is a little iffy on the idea. In order to get things done Castiel can come off as a bit cold and ominous, and it’s pretty clear that the guy has some issues with pride to top it all off. But apart from that Castiel is a loyal ally and caring friend that genuinely likes humanity, even if it does still confuse him sometimes. While Castiel can occasionally seem bit quirky due to his more innocent fish-out-of-water moments while dealing with the strangeness of human culture and society, he remains a force to be reckoned with and not a guy you want to get on the bad side of.

Sample Post:

It seems fitting to begin by saying that, despite my apparent experience in this area, attempting to truly understand humanity is about as futile as trying to understand the meow of a cat. Or, for a more current example, why that male ape is attempting to wear the lingerie of a human female. Many theories can be made, but it will always be impossible to know the true meanings behind such behaviour. Humanity is irritatingly unpredictable, and for this reason, I don’t believe that I can offer much solid advice to actually understanding these odd creatures. But, as Elizabeth Sayre has made it clear that my wings will be clipped in the interim that I’m here until I assist her, I will do my best to describe what I have learned about humans to all of you.

First, to the undead and somewhat intelligent animals present, I will make it clear that harassing or bullying the humans in your midst brings you no closer to understanding them. Instead it only instigates a further division between you. There will be separate words for Marcy later, for those who are curious, as unfortunately her harassment tends to be on the more… intimate side. Back to the issue at hand, there are many who will say that humans are base creatures. That humanity itself is something that is better to be cast off instead of embraced. This leads to notion that humans enjoy two things above all else: fighting and sex. This is untrue, as they are also very fond of food, and making communication the most difficult task that they can. They do this by filling their conversations with metaphors, innuendos and half-truths that can be difficult to follow if you’re unaware of what they’re referring to. I’ve found it better to just let them speak at length, as asking for clarification often results in amusement or irritation -- though it can, at times, be difficult to predict which. As for violence, it’s come to my attention that what you've witnessed from them is really no different from the acts of primal wolves protecting their territory. Most likely this is because all of God's creatures share the same blueprint. Don’t look so surprised, He’s really not as creative as people like to assume. And while it's true that this attribute has lead them into many conflicts and wars, as a whole they still manage to stride on just the same.

Finally, concerning the nature of sexual intercourse, most of what you’ve probably already heard is true: it’s done primarily to ensure reproduction. This is likely why the act has been forbidden here, as I’ve witnessed the human race grow to over six-point-five billion people in a relatively short amount of time, and this encampment seems fairly crowded as it is. Maybe I should have mentioned that humans can also be closely related to rabbits in this way. Ultimately, I believe that the best advice I could offer is something fairly simple. Keep in mind that all of this is exactly what makes humanity only human, but, that is perhaps what also keeps them interesting.

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