[ 14 ] Video

Jan 03, 2010 21:33

[BZZZZZZZZZZT! This time, the zap was strong enough to actually illicit a response from our resident hermit computer girl. There's a soft gasp of surprise from Satsuki, and the communicator first switches to audio before she takes it up again and properly sets it to video. We see her slim face at a relatively close range first (she was definitely getting thinner, unhealthily so. But what do you expect from a woman who doesn't really care about anything except for technology?), and then she slowly sets it next to her computer, where her plant is now in view. Though it is probably in the expectations of many that Satsuki would ignore her potted gift from the scientists completely, she actually took some time to take care of it, if not only for the reasons of her ever-present curiosity, boredom and interest in their intentions. Not because she had a green thumb, oh no.

However, her plant did not have fruit, and was not as colorful or beautiful as other resident's plants were. It resembled the Thorn of the Cross, but with small dotted pods stuck on the leaves. It was darker than the usual green, almost to the point of black. The sides were, in some better lighting, somewhat copperish red and shiny green, brown and yellow. Some of the smaller leaves on the plant looked like wires, while the tips of the larger leaves looked quite the same. It was stiff too. Satsuki walks into the feed, with her back turned to the communicator. She stares at it for a few seconds before she pokes it, without hesitation. Three pokes later, the leaves shake and the pods open; ash comes flying out, darkening the recording. Satsuki coughs and walks away, where only sounds of very rapid typing is heard. She appears into view again, but only to switch the communicator off.]

[Interface Begin | Transfer from Modem 25% -- 63% -- 88% -- 100% COMPLETE | Archiving in 3,2,1...]
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[Private | Unhackable by 99.9%]

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[/Private | Transmission COMPLETE | Archiving COMPLETE | 99.99% Unhackable]


...I need to leave the room for a while. A change of pace, perhaps, but I've been cooped up in here for more than a month. It's starting to get boring again.

topic - archiving, entry - binary code, type - interface, entry - video, entry - accidental, topic - discedo

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