Pimping for VOTES~! (more like begging, actually... ^^;)

Apr 30, 2009 22:00

Guys, if you have time and if you don't please spare some? I really really need your favor.

As you guys might have known, I'm joining ficcy’s The Heechul’s Kissing Massacre Contest, Fanfiction Challenge.

The challenge ends today, and the challenge's poll for People's Choice Award are up starting from NOW until May 3rd.

So, PLEASE read my entry HERE.

And if you want, check out the other's entries HERE.

And then if you like my entry, PLEASE VOTE FOR IT AS YOUR FAVORITE RIGHT HERE.

The entry which gets the most votes will be nominated as the winner of People's Choice Award. So IF you like my story, help me to win it, y/y?

Thank you so much in advance for the help, bbs. *bows deeply*

my f-list is an awesomeness, help me?

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