And There Was Much Stokage and Squee!zures

Apr 26, 2008 01:55

Oh the life of a college student is never better than when the semester is OVER!
Or at least the normal school days. I still have finals, and yet...

And when you just had the most TV!Tastic night of your life. OMG LOST. OMG Supernatural.




Ben thought he was bluffing, but he wasn't.  I can't believe it, and she was so frightened... and Penelope! Ben can't kill Penny, he just can't.  She and Desmond are TMFEO (I feel like such a shipper, but they are).

I was so surprised that Claire didn't die when her house blew up.  I have been expecting her death ever since the whole mom!Kate flashforward thing.  But Sawyer being manly and telling Locke and Ben off was awesome-sauce.  I like how he was all "I'm going back to the beach.  Claire's coming.  Hurley's coming." And then he was willingly to fight to protect Hurley.  I totally believe that he'll kick Locke's ass if anything happens to him.  And if I was Claire I would have gone with Sawyer too, he was just so imposing.

And LE GASP, Dan is a liar? I expected it from the other rescuers, but Dan? Et tu?

Sayid was my favorite character, but I'm kind of disappointed with him this season.  I don't like future Sayid, and I don't like that apparently everyone has forgotten Shannon.  My friend
orange_yarn isn't a Shannon fan, and I know she can't be the only one who isn't, but still it kind of irks me that Sayid was all "I love you" and he mourned her for the rest of the season, and then he was just... over it.  It's not cool.  On the other hand I feel bad for him because the women he loves have a tendency to get themselves up and shot.


Oh my love, what can I say about you? Other than... ED AND HARRY! ED AND HARRY! ED AND HARRY! AND BOY!LOVE? WTF?!

Dude, that "he's the more rugged one, with his beautiful golden beard..." I had such a squee!zure. And Sammy's party hat! When the guy was all "this won't hurt" I was like "...but Sammy's already been tortured once this season" and then there was a party hat tilted to one side.  My brain overloaded for a minute.  That's what my friend
orange_yarn and I call a "squee!anneurism."  And the ending was superb.  I was saying before that I'm a little tired of the funny Supernatural episodes and I want to get back to horror, but this eppy was so good I don't even care!

college, stokage, squee!zure, lost, star wars, supernatural

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