(no subject)

Sep 11, 2007 23:17

So, once upon a time there was this ridiculous TV station called MTV, and MTV had an annual show called the VMAs.  The VMAs were ripe with music performances and amazing awards, as well as some funny comedians and some not so funny comedians (CoughSilvermancough).  Personally, I've never had a problem with MTV enough to bash it until they let Sarah Silverman get up there and insult Britney Spears's babies.

All I've heard since the VMAs aired was how "fat" Britney looked.  Before I examine this further, let's look at some photos, shall we?

Yep, definitely digustingly fat.  I mean, she's only had two kids, how dare she appear on stage with pudge? Shame on her, she should have starved herself for at least a week before appearing.  It's common sense.

I'm not trying to say that she should have appeared in that outfit, frankly I feel like it was a complete mistake, but who are we to say that she's "fat" and her belly is "bulging."  TMV.com said that she looks like a house! I hope that when I've had ONE kid I look as good as her.  I would love to see all these critics appear on stage in that outfit and see how sexy they are.  It's awful that we criticize models for being too skinny, and then when a healthy mother of two takes the stage we say she's too fat.  What kind of message is that sending? And, to be honest, I feel that Britney is still a very attractive woman.  Her breasts and ass have taken the weight just fine, and not once was there jiggling fat, as most would know if they actually watched the video.  I couldn't pull that outfit off now, and I'm 18-years-old, a size 6, and haven't had any kids.  So let's humor the idea that maybe it was the outfit and not her.  Granted, she's pulled off more revealing at the VMAs,

but that was six years ago and pre-babies.  Give her a break.

As for the performance itself I would never call it good.  Frankly, it wasn't, but there were extenuating circumstances involved.  Such as Sarah Silverman, the bitch of the night in my opinion.  She said that Britney's babies were the "cutest mistakes she's ever seen" and that they're "as cute as the bald vagina they came out of." She then proceeded to make a disgusting face to emphasize how ugly Britney's babies are.  I'm sorry, was that thing that Silverman crossed the line? I don't think she noticed.  It's one thing to make fun of Britney, but to make fun of her babies when she can freaking hear you is just wrong.  Silverman did this right before Britney sang, and people are saying that Britney was backstage bawling her eyes out the entire time.  I thought that comedians were supposed to make people laugh, not cry.  Silverman also said that it was "cute" that 50 cent was still alive and she called Paris Hilton "whorey," neither of which are funny to me, but I digress.  Imagine performing for people that mocked your babies, and think for a minute how you would perform after crying.  MTV is lucky that she even went on, I don't think I would have.

All I've saying is give the girl a break, we all need one every so often.

Xanatos: ....I'd still screw her.

Me: I won't even touch that comment.

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