Tuesday ..wimper..

Mar 09, 2010 21:04

Geek A Week: Challenge 1: Jonathan Coulton
Originally uploaded by jawboneradioHighlight of my day, coming home to find Jonathan Coulton as the #1 Geek of the Week training card, designed by Len from the Jawbone Radio podcast. I so wish these were real.

Today was moving day and we are now in our new location. I hate the fact that my idea of packing was throwing it all in bins with the plan to clean it up while I unpack. Why oh why couldn't I have been one of those naturally born organized people? I've heard that organized people are not born they are taught but how did I miss out on that class along the way? And why oh why do I find grocery receipts from 2006 in with the large stack of paper?

Can't write too much, I'm so tired it is making me feel cranky with a need to whine, vent, low-key rant, whatever.

podcasts, geeky, work

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