Another Week... Sigh

Nov 03, 2008 10:13

Next week is reading week for half of my degree, and two weeks later is reading week for the other half. I'd really love to know who decided to seperate them this year, because for the last two years, they have been in the same week. Seperating them is pointless since we're supposed to use the time to work on our essays but I suppose only having half the classes will still be nice for a couple of days. Annoying, since I'll have to keep walking to school for 45 minute lectures and then walking home again, but what can you do?

Last night's season premiere of Top Gear was pretty good! Always nice to get a good dose of cocking about (even if some of it felt a bit contrived - the pressure to open the series strongly must be awful) and it's so great to have new episodes. It sure had me smiling, and I was glad Oliver didn't end up crushed behind the back of Hammond's lorry. Poor Jeremy though, I can't believe Health and Safety let him crash his through a brick wall, which is what the crash article I posted a few weeks ago was related to. He was just generally having a bad go with those trucks, what with the unfortunate positioning of the gearknob and that gash he got on his back. Also, did these trucks not have seatbelts? They were slipping and sliding all over the place. That seemed like a Health & Safety violation to me as well! They must have more pull this year to get away with stuff like that! I really hope next week's trip to the States is as funny as the last, but I suppose it will be hard to beat that.

My antibiotics finished on Wednesday and so I should, you would expect, be well on the way to recovery, but the sore throat that started all of this has returned and I am still coughing a bit. Now that we're into November, it's been a month. I'll give it another week and if it's not fully gone, I'll go back to the doctor's like she said I should if it lasted a month. :(

I really have to go talk to the student advice people about work permits and such so that I can try to sort out next year. I know it sounds dumb, but I keep putting it off, and I think there's a part of me that is worried that it won't be possible to get another permit, that I won't be able to continue living here because I can't afford it, or that I'll have too much trouble finding a decent job in TV or films. As long as I don't have the answers, I can still think positively and tell myself that everything will work out fine. If my plan gets squashed... I don't know what I'll do. It's like I'm protecting myself from answers I need anyway. Stupid, isn't it?

foreigner stuff, school, top gear

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