Jeremy Clarkson Injured in Another Top Gear Car Crash Before anyone starts panicking at the headline, it says he's okay. I don't understand how and/or why he was driving head-on into another car while filming. Surely they wouldn't do some stunt like that on purpose? There was that time all three of them drove into a wall in rubbish cars but that's definitely not the same. Must have been an accident, someone didn't judge distance correctly or something like that. At least the other driver wasn't James or Richard!
Anyway, I am going to start my list of weekly reading as I have chopped all the veggies and peeled and cut up the potatoes for our Thanksgiving dinner tonight. My camera battery is charging and me and my housemates have thoroughly cleaned everything that needed cleaning. Here's hoping I don't burn dinner!
Happy Thanksgiving to the other Canadians on my f'list, and the same a month early for the Americans :)