I have a confession to make.
The entire world revolves around me. Er, in my head. I like to be important. I like to be spoiled. I like attention. I want to be the first person someone wants to talk to, not an afterthought.
Lately, I feel like my entire life is an afterthought. I'm going to go ahead and cut this, because, yeah, I'm just bitching.
I really do love my life, to be honest. I have a great career. I work with some incredible people. A friend offered to really train me in the aspect of my trade that I most want to get into - competitive grooming [I'm a professional pet stylist]. I have a terrific, supportive family, and a couple very close, very amazing friends. I have a beautiful son. I hate that I'm still sitting here having a pity party, but I am. It's amazing how one or two people can really bring you down.
Because, despite all I have, I am not a happy woman. It isn't that I neccessarily want -more-. I just want.. different. I'm not good at maintaining one lifestyle. I'm used to picking it all up and changing whenever I feel like it. But now, I have some serious commitments on my hands, and I'm struggling to sort that out in my mind. I have a lifelong commitment to my baby. I have a two year commitment to the company I work for. I am helping my mom out, and that means living at home for a very good long while. It's a little aggravating.
I really miss my dad. Caden is his first grandchild. At least I did him one favor; Caden has MY last name. My dad had three girls. While I have uncles, he was always sad that we wouldn't be passing on the family name. I had the opportunity to do so, and I'm very glad I did.
Now. Back to my point. My life seems so great. But it isn't. So stop bitching at me because I'm "happier" than you. It's very frustrating.
That was really the whole point. Haha.
Also, I'm pretty crazy about a boy. To protect my sanity, I'm not saying who he is. <3 Bahaha. But, he's pretty incredible and so sweet. So, take that, life. I still got it. *brushes her collar off* Psh.