Oh man, I'm the worst friend ever.

Aug 05, 2007 18:46

All right. I'm not going to pretend I'll actually keep this thing updated this time around, but hey, I promise to try!!

For those of you I don't talk to on a regular basis, here is my last year in a nutshell:

I moved back to the midwest because the boy and I broke up, and the only person around that I trusted enough to live with was getting out of the Navy. He was with a friend of mine at the time. I screwed up, ended up sleeping with him, and I'm very lucky that that friend and I still talk, because she's one of the most amazing people in the world. I love her. Matt (that would be the guy I moved back to Kansas with) and I were together for quite awhile. Basically, without the long story, we dated for six months in late '05 and early '06, broke up, dated other people, and then in June '06 we got back together, and were together until July of '07. When I left him. While I was eight months pregnant. Because he can't get his shit together. If I'm going to raise a child alone, I'll DAMN WELL do it alone, and not try and raise a 22 year old man in the process!! Anyways. I'm now living with my parents, and am hugely pregnant. My son will be here Thursday or Friday, depending on how my body handles the induction. I'm so thrilled and excited. This is a new chapter of life, and I can't think of anything else I want more. I am on my own, and enjoying it. It's like the impending birth of my child has shown me WHO I am. I am a strong, proud, beautiful woman. I don't need anyone to make me happy. -I- make me happy. I've got a career I love, in four days I'll have a son to adore, I have a great family and amazing friends.

BUT. You know, I'm not against random make-outs. I miss snogging. Haha. :)

So there's the long story short. Next weekend, I'll have pictures to annoy all of you with, if you don't hear from me before then!

Here's how to get ahold of me, these days.
aim : xsatincandyx
y!im: writtenkitten18
msn : brknheartedangel@hotmail.com
cellular : (913) 963-4134

It's best to try yahoo or my cell, usually.

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