Flist icon drabbles Part 6

Jul 18, 2005 14:08

*snuggles her Draco/Real Genius icon* I really need to find some new HP icons, now that I've rediscovered my HP squee.


After a week without the Precious (*hugs computer tightly*), I'm playing catch-up on the icon drabbles. Here are the next five (for cleolinda, cleric_of_chaos, comingtoterms, corimari, and corngirl_jo). More will be popping up later today as I try to catch up to where I should be, so that this project doesn't end up taking forever.

I've got Lord of the Rings, Lost, and old school Star Wars, and Alias behind the cut. I've also written my first attempt at a fandom I don't watch, so please, please forgive me if you are all about the Venture Bros. and I have done some kind of horrible sacrilege to a character.

cleolinda ( Lord of the Rings, Galadriel, 101 words)

She knew this final battle with the Enemy had to be settled by Men. The Elves were leaving, sailing West to Valinor, and the fate of the world must be decided by those who would be living in it. In her head Galadriel knew this was the way things must be.

It didn’t stop her heart from twisting in her chest every time she looked down into the bright blue eyes of the Ringbearer. The future balanced on a knife’s edge and even she didn’t know how it would end. It was an impossible task to demand from one so small.

cleric_of_chaos(Venture Bros., Dr. Orpheus, 100 words)

Back off, man…I have magical Dracula powers.

I’ve got a fantastic mansion, scores of minions and a positively enormous fan club of girls in white nightgowns who love to walk around unprotected in the dark when the storms are raging.

Fine, so I don’t.

But I’m a necromancer. And I can read minds. And I have an amazing daughter and some fascinating neighbors. While I don’t, at the moment, have an arch-nemesis who tracks and attempts to thwart my every move, I am in the market for one.

All in all, even without Dracula powers, I find myself quite content.

comingtoterms (Lost, Jack, Sayid/Shannon, 100 words)

Sayid could tell by the stiff way Jack was holding his shoulders as he walked towards them that something was wrong.

Shannon hadn’t noticed yet. She was still swinging their interlocked hands, finishing a story about a childish prank she’d played on Boone when they were teenagers.

“Shit. Boone,” Sayid thought with a jolt. He couldn’t see the familiar dark head among the survivors clumped further down the shoreline, but he couldn’t see Locke’s bald head, either. He was jumping to the worst conclusion. It was probably nothing.

Jack got closer and Sayid looked into his eyes. It wasn’t nothing.

corimari (Star Wars, Leia, Luke, 101 words)

Leia stretched out on the flat metal slab of a bed in her Imperial prison cell and tried not to think. Or move. Or close her eyes. She heard the cell door slide open and winced. Damn. They’d discovered Dantooine.

She lifted her head and looked at the Stormie leaning in the doorway. Something wasn’t quite right. Before she could stop herself, she cracked, “Aren’t you a little short to be a Stormtrooper?”

He removed his helmet like a hero in a holovid. “I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.”

“Short help’s better than no help at all,” she thought.

corngirl_jo (Alias, Sark, Vaughn, 100 words)

Really, it was almost comical the way that Agent Vaughn was trying to scare him into talking. Sark had been interrogated by Arvin Sloane, had worked for people who were too cruel to stay in Russian intelligence. Shouted threats would hardly be enough to make Sark tell the CIA anything.

“Tell me about Derevko’s operation, you little British cocky son of a bitch,” Vaughn growled, and Sark didn’t try to hide his smirk.

“That’s Mister little British cocky son of a bitch to you, Agent Vaughn,” he replied, crossing his arms. “And I still have nothing to share with you.”

The previous drabbles can be found here. The next five can be found here.

sark, star wars, leia, galadriel, alias, shannon, vaughn, freedomfry writing, lord of the rings, luke, lost, jack, sayid, dr. orpheus, frodo, venture bros.

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