Hey, Orlando! Wake up!
Did you know today's
casapazzo's birthday?
Really! That’s great! I’ve always loved birthdays. This one time Viggo took me out to a lake in New Zealand when I turned-oh-twenty-something, and then made me strip down and he covered me in chocolate and said I was the best looking birthday cake he’d ever seen.
*Blink* Don’t suppose there are photos of that? Yeah, didn’t think so. Could you pose with some weapons for the girl, please?
Like this?
Yeah! Do you have anything in a sword motif?
Well, I’ve got this from Pirates-will it do?
Oooh, with bonus Johnny Depp. Thank you. What about Troy?
I’ll smolder. That’ll make her happy.
Thank you, Orlando. You've been very, very helpful. One last thing, and I'll let you sleep off your post-Oscars hangover. Could we see you, um, hanging out with some of your co-stars?
Well, I've got this one with me and the Northern Bastard.
And this hug with me and Vig. With that do?
Guh. Yeah, We’re good. Thanks so much for helping us out, here, Orlando!
Any time! Happy birthday,
Photos from all over creation, mostly
orlando_daily Happy, happy birthday, my Pita! *snogs you*