OMG, so busy right now. But in a wonderful, wonderful way. Words can't really express how great it is to be back in the land of the Giant Big Mac. Most of it has to do with the fabulous people we know who are here and we've gotten to see in recent days.
Let me explain. No, it will take too long. Let me sum up. /Princess Bride
We arrived on Friday evening after a pretty rotten trip across the Atlantic (the crosswinds were awful, causing Frankfurt International to close all but one of their runways, meaning that we were an hour leaving the airport). We landed in Washington at 4pm, which meant that after waiting for customs, baggage and a cab to show up we were hitting the Beltway at 5:30 on a Friday night.
*waits for Washingtonians to catch their breath from their giggling fits*
We got to Casa de
cruisedirector at 7:00 and then were off to dinner with college-type friends. We heard about new babies (one of which is apparently the next anti-Christ, with the power of biting and explosive diapers) and caught up on much gossip. We came home and slept like people who had been up for two straight days, which we in fact were.
The next night was the great Pirate Fest over at
casapazzo and Carmen's place. In attendance were
phillyexpat, Ex-Boyfriend Mike and his new fiancee, Carmen's boyfriend, my Cute Cousin Chris, and a special appearance by
editorgrrrl and her Mike, all the way up from Florida. Yay to
We ate much in the way of rum-drenched food because
casapazzo rocks hard in the kitchen, caught up on each other's lives and made fun of Cute Cousin Chris, who should know better than to listen to Carmen when she tells him it's a costume party. His reaction? "Avast! I do be the only one in costume!" We watched Pirates of the Caribbean (naturally), looking out for the evil ninja pirate monkey and the goat in the boat. We also wandered the Internet, as is our tradition. (This is the group that introduced me to the
Official Ninja Homepage).
This time we discovered
The Llama Song and the
Race Car Insanity Test. Please don't head to these sites if you are drinking hot coffee--all I ask.
We're heading up to Philly now for Thanksgiving with the cast of thousands. I'll be back in a week, hopefully bearing fic and not having killed my mother. At that time, I swear I'll catch up on the comments that have come in that I haven't written back to. :)