Title: Pieces Of Me (Prologue)
mands_angelfox Pairing/Characters: Chris/Jensen, Jensen/Jared, eventual Chris/Steve
Genre: RPS, Romance, Angst
Word Count: 906
Rating: PG
Feedback: Feedback? Is love. No. Seriously, it is.
Summary: Chris puts himself out there and opens up to the idea of love, this is what happens.
Author's Note: Well, this is a WIP and it has about 5 chapters and of course an epilogue. It's been pretty hard to write and I remember that as I was writing the 'Spin The Bottle' 'verse it really helped to have everybody's feedback. I'm hoping this will be the same with this verse. My thanks to my beta-reader for this chapter
charlies_dragon. There was talk about putting a fanmix to this fic as well so I'll keep y'all updated on that :). You can also blame
estel_willow for poking me back into finishing this off, apparently there's been an extreme lack of new fic with the boys lately. I also felt the need to place Chris in a different role than he usually is in all the fics, figured it couldn't hurt to experiment.
Disclaimer: Isn't real, I know that and you know that, we just wish that it was.
Pieces Of Me (Prologue)
Chris had always made a point of not getting involved with anyone, it was too complicated and definitely not worth the hassle. He had more fun when he was single and fancy free, he’d never needed or wanted a special someone in his life. But all of that changed after he met Jensen at one of Steve's gigs, and in retrospect maybe Chris should have looked before he'd leapt; but nobody had ever called Christian Kane wise.
It started out as nothing. Something casual and convenient for the both of them. Whenever Jensen was in town he'd call and then they'd spend however long they had together fucking each other's brains out. Chris should have known that there was more to this thing with Jensen after he agreed to let Jensen take control. He'd never let anyone have that sort of power over him.
Even his friends had been able to sense a change in Chris, he partied less and he didn't engage in as many idle flirtations as he might have done in the past. The word on the street was that Christian was in a relationship and he hadn't done anything to stop them because hell it was nice to hear.
They spent time together, both when Jensen was filming and when he wasn't, and they actually spent those hours talking inside of spending them in bed like they had in the past and the fool that he was Chris had thought it meant as much to Jensen as it did to him.
It was the Christmas period and Chris had just flown back into LA after spending a week back home where he'd spent his time catching up with his folks and all the friends he'd left behind when he'd made his way to LA. Jensen hadn't been in touch and Chris had tried not to let it bother him, figuring Jensen was just busy. Thankfully Steve had been calling and sending him the most random shit via text messages and emails, the fucker was actually away and touring, Chris had no idea how he did it.
Chris was glad to be home because it really had been too long since he'd last tasted the smog filled air of LA and way too long since he'd last spent an evening in a smoke filled bar with the taste of tequila burning the back of his throat. Not that he did either of those things once he was unpacked because he had other things on his mind and he knew he wouldn't be able to rest until he spent some of that quality time Steve had been telling him about with one Jensen Ackles.
Jensen had given him key a few weeks back when he'd needed Chris to go in and water the plants he had, and Chris being Chris didn't think much about invasion of privacy or personal space as he let himself into Jensen's apartment. He hadn't expected Jensen to be home as the last time he'd spoken to the other man he'd informed him that he wouldn't be back in LA till late December.
He was so engrossed in his routine that he didn't notice the scattered clothing in the living room but he did as soon as he wandered out to water that big ass palm that Jensen insisted on having. And that's when he heard it: panted breathing and the slick slide sound of skin on skin. He probably shouldn't have, but morbid curiosity had him aching to look and it wasn't long until the bedroom door was being pushed open and it took less than second for Chris' world to come crashing down around his ears.
Jensen and Jared, in bed, fucking.
It was only when Jared's eyes caught his that Chris was shocked back to himself, water bottle clattering on the ground and heavy boots soon carrying his weight away and as far as possible. He didn't expect Jensen to come after him but he did and that was probably his first mistake because Chris was like a wounded animal when he was hurt and he lashed out, catching Jensen's jaw with his fist.
"You fuckin' asshole," Chris hissed out a couple seconds later, hurt and anger blurring until the line between the two faded into obscurity and it was hard to tell one from the other.
He didn't hang around to see if he'd done any damage or if Jensen got back off the ground because he knew that he'd want to hit him again, and as good as that would feel he knew it wouldn't solve anything and it certainly wouldn't stop him from feeling like somebody had reached into his chest and ripped his heart out.
Chris didn't go home, he hit the first bar and never looked back. He hoped that if he swallowed enough alcohol then the pain would go away and he'd stop feeling like it was the end of the world because that was just too fucking dramatic.
He wasn't sure how much he'd drank but it was enough to send the world into a tailspin, brought only back to shocking clarity by the unwanted taste of another on his tongue but Chris closed his eyes, surrendering to the unfamiliar because all the familiar had done was fuck him over. He just needed to escape and lose himself and sometimes the easiest way to do that was in somebody else.
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