I escaped from the Dungeon of Freedom Destiny!
I killed Strawberriegal the gelatinous cube, Cagallinsandy the leprechaun and Chocolate Yolk the minotaur.
I looted the Armour of Asakura Yoh, the Sword of Wildemerald, the Axe of Re Vealed, the Amulet of Kira Yamato, a Figurine of De Nuded, the Sword of Asakura Hao, a Figurine of Miss Wilkins, a Figurine of Nightwisegt, the Armour of Vinylroses, a Figurine of Freekkittens and 89 gold pieces.
Score: 314
Explore the Dungeon of Freedom Destiny and try to beat this score,
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ROFL That was WEIRD! :D